since com*rs were invented many years ago, they have been inextricably linked with our daily life, which bring us much convenience and enjoyable entertainments.we can benefit a lot from this cutting-edge technology.
in the workplace, com*rs are often used as a cost-effective tool for communication with colleges and customers and this function of com*rs is definitely irreplaceable by other kinds of online media.additionally, they are indeed necessities in the workplace, which are compatible with other office equipments, and they altogether beautify working environment surrounded by loads of files and documents.
when it comes to family life, they can provide easy access to a tremendous amount of entertainments, such as blockbuster hits, cyber *s and video chats.but still, they can also be utilized as the bridge of communication between family members, especially the ones living far away from us.
how*r, there is a dark side to this picture.the online fraud and invasion of private *rmation are the results of frequently-updated com*r technologies, which adversely influence our daily life.but on a large scale, their advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
in conclusion, the most appropriate approach to this intractable problem is that we shoud use com*rs moderately and they should be used in a * sensible way.