囫囵吞枣 囫囵吞枣的意思

2023-10-06 10:10:09 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言in the past, someone said: "the pear is good for the teeth, but bad for the spleen; the date is good for th

in the past, someone said: "the pear is good for the teeth, but bad for the spleen; the date is good for the spleen, but bad for the teeth."

a young man heard this, thought it over for a long time and said: "then, when i eat a pear, i'll keep it in my mouth and chew it with my teeth, but won't swallow it, so it will not do any harm to my spleen. when i eat a date, i won't chew it, but will swallow it whole, so it will not do any harm to my teeth."

when people heard this, they jeered1 at him: "you are swallowing a date whole!"




