a long time ago and far away, there lived a merchant and his three daughters. the older girls were proud, while the youngest girl was generous and kind.
one day, the merchant heard that all his ships had been lost in a storm. he was penniless(贫穷的) and would have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the woods.
"*rything will be alright," said the youngest daughter, beauty,. "we can all *. we don't need any servants as the house is so small."
the merchant was very grateful to beauty. the older girls were very upset, and were no * at all.
in no time at all, beauty had the little cottage spick and span1.
one day, a messenger2 arrived.
"i have good news," he said to the merchant. "one of your ships has made harbour. you are needed to oversee3 matters in the unloading4."
"oh, good news indeed!" said the merchant. he called his daughters around him. they were delighted when they heard the news.
"does this mean that we can move back home?" asked the oldest daughter.
"first things first," said her father. "if there is a profit, i'll bring you all back a present. you must tell me what you would like."
"oh, a beautiful dress, father," cried the first.
"a new hat, father," said the second.
"what about you, beauty?" asked the merchant.
beauty simply said," a red rose please, father."
the merchant set out that very day for the town with the messenger. he completed his business, and found that he had indeed made a profit. there was enough to buy his daughters' presents and some to invest5. the dress and hat were soon bought, but there were no roses to be had in the town.
it was *ning when he set out for home.
"maybe i'll be able to find one on the way home," he said to himself.
he was still far from home when it started to grow dark. he was in an unfamiliar6 part of the forest, and knew that he would soon be lost if he did not find somewhere for the night. he suddenly saw some lights and soon found himself outside a vast mansion7.
"i did not know that this was here," said the merchant. "i must really be lost!"
the merchant went into the house as the front door was open. he looked around, but there was nobody to be seen. he suddenly sniffed8 the air. he could smell delicious food. a table in the dining room was laid for one, so he sat and ate a hearty9 supper.
he suddenly remembered his horse, and went to stable it for the night, but it had already been done, and the horse was tucking10 into a bag of oats(燕麦).
'how strange,' thought the merchant, returning to the house. there, a bedroom had been prepared for him. he slept well, and in the morning, found all his clothes had been cleaned, breakfast was ready and his horse was saddled12.
at the front door, he turned to thank his unseen host, but then he saw the garden. i was full of roses - roses of *ry different colour.
"now i can get beauty's present," said the merchant, and he picked a red rose.
the merchant nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a furious13 roar14.
"have i not been a good host? roared15 the voice. "i fed you, gave you a bed for the night and stabled your horse, and you repay16 me by stealing from me."
the owner of the voice then came into sight. the merchant shuddered18. it was the ugliest creature he had *r seen.
"i am very sorry, " said the merchant. "i picked it for my daughter."
"if you wish to live, you must send the first living thing you see when you arrive home, " said the beast.
"very well," said the merchant. he knew that his dog usually greeted him first.
he then set off for home. but to his dismay19, it was beauty who ran out of the house to greet him. the dog was lying asleep in the sun.
the other girls came out to empty the saddle11 bags and to see their presents. he went quietly into the house. beauty was worried and followed him in.