
2023-07-28 15:36:55 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言1 事实上,这个人年纪很轻。误:in fact, the man’s age is very young 正:in fact, the man is very young 析:

_1. 事实上,这个人年纪很轻。

_误:in fact, the man’s age is very young.

_正:in fact, the man is very young.

_析:中国人常说“年纪轻”,但英语中的 young 本身就有“年纪轻”的意思,它习惯上不再与age 搭配使用。类似地,汉语说“他年纪很大”,不能译成 his age is very old,而应是 he is very old.

_2. 我的工作太忙,我不能来。

_误:my work is too busy and i can’t come.

_正:i’m too busy and i can’t come.

_析:汉语说“工作忙”,实际上是指“人忙”。类似地,要表达汉语中的“我的事情很忙”,英语只需说 i’m busy 就够了,而不能说成 my things are busy.

_3. 这个老太太的左眼瞎了。

_误:the old woman’s left eye is blind.

_正:the old woman is blind in the left eye.

_析:汉语中说“眼瞎”,而按英语习惯却要说“人瞎”,瞎在哪儿?瞎在“眼睛”,所以英语中要表达类似意思总是用“人”作主语,而用介词短语引出“瞎”的位置。同样地,要表示“他的左腿是跛的”,不能说成 his left leg is lame, 而应说成 he is lame in his left leg.

_4. 他身体很好,很少生病。

_误:his body is good / healthy, and seldom falls ill.

_正:he’s healthy, and seldom falls ill.


_5. 我讨厌*拥挤的交通。

_误:i hate the crowded traffic on weekends.

_正:i hate the busy / heavy traffic on weekends.

_析:汉语可说“拥挤的交通、街道、房间、商店等”,而英语中虽然可说 crowded streets / rooms, shops等,但习惯上不说 crowded traffic。

_6. 汤姆打了鲍勃的脸。

_误:tom hit bob’s face.

_正:tom hit bob in the face.

_析:汉语中可以说“打某人的脸”,而英语中必须先说“打某人”再 介词 the 身体的某个部位。又如“打某人的鼻子”译为hit *. on the nose.“抓住某人的胳膊”译为catch *. by the arm.

