My my

2023-07-28 16:00:47 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言房间,是每个人的一片小天地,你的房间又是怎么样的呢,下面为大家分享几篇my bedroom英语作文,供大家学习,参考my bedroomi hav

_房间,是每个人的一片小天地,你的房间又是怎么样的呢,下面为大家分享几篇my bedroom英语



__my bedroom_

_i have a nice and small bedroom. there is a beautiful bed and two small chair. i also have a *g and tall closet because i have many clothes. there is a *g desk next to the window. i always do my homework at the desk. there is a family photo on the wall. we took this photo this summer holiday. i like my bedroom.

__my bedroom_

_my bedroom is ver beautiful! l,the flr is pin.there are blue curtains.there is a bed.there are tw end tables near the bed.the clset is near the end clthes are in the clset. the bs are n the shelf. theirrr is ver the end table. there are an pictures n the wall.the trash *n is behind the dr. d u lie r?what's ur r lie?can u tell e,please?

__my bedroom_

_this is a picture of my bedroom .

_it's not a *g room , but it's nice . there are two windows and a door . my desk is beside the window . a football is under my chair . there is a little bed in the room, my bag is on the wall . look , anice pictur on the wall , who is she ? oh , she is me . under the picture , thisisa bookshelf ,on the bookshelf , we can see many books , such as :english books , story books , comic books and news* .

_this is my bedroom , i like it very much !

