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2023-07-29 09:13:11 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言an old man and his grandson were walking through a forest the weather was so hot that they all wanted to dr

an old man and his grandson were walking through a forest. the weather was so hot that they all wanted to drink sweet water to quench their thirst. for a long time they found a clear stream. they drank a lot of water with pleasure. "thank you, brook." "said the old man. the grandson laughed and said, "grandpa, why did you say thank you to the stream? it has no life, it is impossible to hear what you say, and it is impossible to understand what you say." "that's true." and if a wolf comes to drink, he won't say thank you. but we are not wolves. we are human. a lot of what we have is given by nature. shouldn't we be grateful for the bounty of nature?" after listening to grandpa's words, the grandson leaned over and kissed the stream. then he said gently, "thank you, stream!"

