2023-07-29 17:37:20 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言absulum the reindeer1 elfworked in the reindeer barn he had to clean it *rydayand that was rather hardfor it

absulum the reindeer1 elf

worked in the reindeer barn.

he had to clean it *ryday

and that was rather hard

for it was such a dirty job

to mop and slop and scour2 and scrape

*ry corner, nook and cranny

in that reindeer place.


absulum the reindeer elf

had to keep the reindeer groomed3.

he had to give them all a bath.

he had to feed them too.

cook their meals, brush their fur

and fill that barn with hay

and *ry morning when he woke

he would have to do it all over again.

absulum the reindeer elf

played nurse and doctor too.

he took care of all the reindeer

if they were sick or had the flu.

he fixed4 their sleigh, he mended their reins5

and if they were sad he would wipe their tears.

he worked his fingers to the bone

but it seemed that no one cared.

of course the elves in santa's workshop

they were such a happy lot

singing songs all day long

with that jolly happy santa claus.

they laughed and danced from toy to toy

as if it was such fun

while outside in the reindeer barn

was the elf named absulum.

absulum the reindeer elf,

when he heard that happy noise,

would wish he was a workshop elf

* christmas toys;

but a workshop elf is wise and tall

and absulum was not

and that was why he was in that barn,

well that is what he thought.

now, it was on a christmas *

when this incident occurred,

santa's sleigh was flying high

there was no reason for concern

until the wind came up

and the snow came down

in a blinding wall of white

and all the reindeer say

that it set the stage

for the tragedy that took place that night.

through that snow the reindeer flew

with neither fear nor fright

but the wind grew strong

and stronger still

until a blizzard6 grabbed

that christmas night.

and it shook that night,

it shook the sky

and it shook that reindeer sleigh.

the reindeer they could hardly see

so soon they lost their way.

they were tumbling twisting

turning topsy-turvy

'round and 'round.

they hit the tree tops

flipped the sleigh

and smashed into the ground.


the reindeer sleigh was broken

it was scattered7 *rywhere.

there were parts and pieces on the ground

over here and over there.

christmas toys torn from their wrapping,

ribbons tangled8 in the trees

and there upon the forest floor

lay santa claus, and all could see

that he was hurt from the tragic9 crash

but just how bad no one would ask.

for asking might be finding out

an answer no one cared to know.

the reindeer gathered 'round him

each one limping, scraped or cut

and one by one they called his name

"oh, santa claus? get up!"

but not one move did santa make

not a flicker10 not a sound

and *ry single reindeer there thought,

"what will we do now?"

the sky was black there was no light

no moon or shining star.

the reindeer huddled11 close for warmth

around santa claus who was lying there

in such a heap of sadness

pines and twigs12 caught in his beard.

then one reindeer thought out loud

"if only absulum was here."

then suddenly the reindeer,

well they all began to chant.

"absulum oh absulum

do you know where we're at?

oh absulum, absulum

please come we need you now!

absulum, oh absulum,"

the reindeer chanted loud.

"absulum, absulum

can you hear us call?

absulum? absulum?



suddenly a star lit up

that stormy christmas sky

and it fell toward the earth

and landed there at santa's side.

the reindeer all stepped back

and gasped13 in wonder at the sight

of absulum the reindeer elf

and the star he brought for light.

he placed that star upon a tree

and it filled the christmas sky

then quickly down with reindeer 'round

he was there at santa's side.

then on his knees the reindeer elf

he breathed a single breath of life

into his mouth and as he did

santa opened wide his eyes.

"absulum?" said santa claus.

"absulum, is that you?"

but absulum did not answer

for there was too much work to do.

he held his hand up to his mouth

and let loose the oddest scream

that echoed through the forest

through the mountains and ravines.

now, that scream? it was a creature call,

one he learned when he was young.

it was a call that creatures answered to

and caused them all to come.

and come they did

from hovel, hole,

from cavern14, nest and tree

to offer *

to a reindeer elf

who was in his hour of need.

within seconds squirrel

and moose and deer

were there upon the scene.

raccoon, fox and bobcat came

and *ry *rd from *ry tree.

and *ry bunny rab*t hopped

and those who had to crawled

to take part in the rescue

of the reindeer and santa claus.

each part and piece of santa's sleigh

was gathered from the wreck

and brought to absulum the reindeer elf

who began to put the pieces back.

the reins were mangled15, tangled torn,

the runners snapped in two

but absulum the reindeer elf

knew exactly what to do.

and so, while he worked on santa's sleigh,

the creatures all pitched in

to gather up the toys

that were scattered by the wind.

they put the toys back in their wrapping,

tied the ribbons, filled the sack.

by then that sleigh was good as new

so, they threw the sack in back.

then they *ed old santa to his feet

and up onto the sleigh.

the reindeer they got in as well

wher*r they could find a *.

then absulum the reindeer elf,

he called the creatures 'round.

he placed the reins upon them all

and said, "we're taking santa home".

then up into the drivers seat

that tiny elf did climb.

he took the reins

and without delay

commanded them to fly.


well, that sleigh took off

it left the ground

and headed straight into the sky

being pulled by moose and bunny rab*ts

and creatures who weren't meant to fly.

but fly they did and how or why

is not an answer we need know.

you see the question most important is,

"did they get them home?"

well, yes they did.

they got them home

and quickly took them in.

missus claus fed them chicken soup

then she called to absulum.

she said, "absulum, look outside

there are toys still in the sleigh.

you have to get back out there

and deliver them right away."


absulum looked at missus claus.

he knew she was in charge

but, instead of following her orders

he took his reindeer to the reindeer barn.

he tended to their injuries

all that night and all the next day

and as for all those toys outside

well, that is where they stayed.

because reindeer elves

concern themselves

only with what's right

and when taking care of reindeer

is all you know in life

then you do what must be done

to make sure those reindeer n*r come to harm

and so, now you know

why absulum works in the reindeer barn.

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