奇异恩典歌词 奇异恩典歌词中文谐音

2023-08-11 09:11:06 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言 amazing grace how sweet the soundthat saved a wretch like mei once was lost, but now am foundwas

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amazing grace how sweet the sound

that saved a wretch like me

i once was lost, but now am found

was blind but now i see

twas grace that taught my heart to fear

and grace my fears reli*d

how precious did that grace appear

the hour i first beli*d


告别昨天 迷茫云烟 畅饮美妙甘泉

你的双眼 *人间 跨越千难万险

你的恩典 铺满天边 有心人看得见

你的话语 注满心间 欢喜代替恩怨

天长地久 我心不变 传诵你的恩典

奇异恩典 降落人间 和平友爱绵延

天涯海角 感恩祝福 同回幸福家园

天涯海角 感恩祝福 同回幸福家园
