
2023-08-16 07:30:27 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、找出与画线部分同类的选项。( ) 1 it’s time for maths class a music b library c floor( ) 2 it’s cool



( ) 1. it’s time for maths class.

a. music b. library c. floor

( ) 2. it’s cool in beijing.

a. luoyang b. school c. lunch

( ) 3. let’s go to the gym.

a. jacket b. ten c. art room

( ) 4. it’s cold outside.

a. floor b. library c. warm

( ) 5. it’s two o’clock.

a. music b. el*n c. hot


1. nswoy ___________ 2. oolc_____________

3. dloc_____________ 4. nnider___________

5. kreabastf __________ 6. ropaylgnud__________


1. 教师办公室 ____________ 2. 起床 ____________

3. go to bed ____________ 4. english class ____________

5. go to school ____________


a. pe class b. snowy c. com*r room d. rainy e. music class

( )1. this is a ______________.

( )2. it’s time for______________.

( )3. it’s time to have____________.

( )4. it’s_______ in luoyang.

( )4. it’s_______ in jilin.


( )1. go to the_______. say hello.

a. teacher’s office b. playground c. garden

( )2. do you _______a jacket?

a. have b. has c. having

( )3. i have _______ umbrella!

a. not b. no c. /

( )4. it’s time_______ go to school.

a. for b. to c. at

( )5 it’s time_______ music class.

a. for b. to c. at

( ) 6. —is this a com*r room? —________.

a. yes, this is. b. no, it is. c. yes, it is.

( )7. _______ this the library?

a. is b. are c. am

( ) 8 can i _______ now?

a. go to outside b. go outside c. outside

( )1. it is ______ now.

a. rain b. cloudy c. cloud

( )2. what the weather like _______ beijing?

a. in b. on c. to

( )3. it’s time ________ music class.

a. for b. to c. on

( )4. ________ that the music room?

a. are b. can c. is

( )5. ________ you have ______ art room?

a. are ; an b. do; an c. do; a

五、 看图,判断下列句子与图片是否相符,相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”。

( )1. it’s sunny and cold in london.

( )2. i have a ball.

( )3. it’s cloudy outside.


( )1. 你想告诉朋友图书馆里有一场服装秀,你说:

a. we have a show in the classroom.

b. we have a show in the school.

c. we have a show in the library.

( )2. 你想知道现在几点钟,你问:

a. what’s this? b. what time is it? c. where is it?

( )3. 你告诉mike稍等一下,你说:

a. just a minute. b. wake up. c. oh, no!

( )4. *告诉你该睡觉了,你听到的是:

a. it’s time for class.

b. it’s time for dinner.

c. it’s time for bed.

( )5. 你对同桌说:“我们可以出去了!”,你说:

a. we can go outside!

b. we can go inside!

c. we can go home!


1. car, my, this, is (.)


2. o’clock, is, eight, it (.)


3. today, is, hot, it (?)


4. the, that, is, room, music (.)



my list

7:30 9:00 10:00 12:00 3:15p.m

( ) 1. it’s _________. it’s sunny outside. i go to school.

a. s*n o’clock b. s*n thirty c. s*n forty

( ) 2. it’s 9 o’clock. i go to_________.

a. art room b. com*r class c. chinese class

( ) 3. it’s 10 o’clock. i go to the ________. it’s on the first floor.

a. teacher’s office b. playground c. library

( ) 4. it’s 12 o’clock. it’s time for________.

a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner

( ) 5. i go to pe class at ___________.

a. 3:15p.m b. 3:15a.m c. 3:00 p.m


on monday, i go to my english class. on tuesday, i go to my chinese class. on wednesday, i go to my math class. on thursday, i go to my music class. on friday, i go to my pe class. on saturday and sunday, i have no classes. i can play football with my friends.

( ) 1. on monday, i go to my pe class.

( ) 2. on tuesday, i go to my chinese class.

( ) 3. on wednesday, i go to my math class.

( ) 4. on thursday, i go to my english class.

( ) 5. on saturday and sunday, i have no classes.

