四年级英语下册期中考试试卷 四年级英语下册期中考试试

2023-08-16 12:00:28 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、我会语音判断,划线部分读音相同的画“√”,不相同的画“×”。(6分)( ) 1 a sister b dinner ( ) 4 a water b father



( ) 1.a sister b dinner ( ) 4.a water b father

( ) 2.a warm b arm ( )5.a short b horse

( ) 3.a nurse b shirt ( )6.a tea b bread


( ) 1. a playground b these c com*r room d gym

( ) 2.a rainy b snowy c weather d sunny

( ) 3. a music b art c maths d class

( ) 4. a colour b black c green d brown

( ) 5. a beautiful b garden c pretty d cool


( ) 1. this way a 小心

( ) 2. get up b 这边

( ) 3. just a minute c 再多一会儿

( ) 4. be careful d 回家

( ) 5. go home e 起床


( ) 1. _________ the weather like ?

a how b what c what’s

( ) 2. today it’s cloudy _____ london .

a in b on c for

( ) 3. it’s _____ today. put on your coat .

a warm b cold c hot

( ) 4. ________ i go outside ?

a can b can c am

( ) 5. i ____ ready .

a am b is c are

( ) 6. it’s time ______ p.e.class .

a to b of c for

( ) 7.--- ______ is it ?

--- it’s 4:35 .

a what b what time c what colour

( ) 8. let’s ________________ .

a to play football b to school c go home

( ) 9. --- is that a map ?

--- ________________ .

a yes,it isn’t. b yes,it is. c no,it is.

( )10. our classroom is _____ the second floor .

a in b on c at


( ) 1.where is the library ? a it’s 8 p.m .

( ) 2.what time is it ? b no, you can’t

( ) 3.have some dinner , john . c it’s on the first floor .

( ) 4.what’s the weather like in wuhan ? d great !

( ) 5. can i go outside ? e it’s rainy .


( ) 1. 你想提醒别人该回家了,你会说:_________

a it’s time to go home . b it’s time for go home .

( ) 2. 你想问对方学校是否有美术教室,你会问:________

a do you have an art room ?

b where is the art room ?

( ) 3. 你想知道现在几点钟,你会问:______

a what day is it today ?

b what time is it now ?

( ) 4. 打电话向对方介绍自己时,应当说:________

a i’m lucy. b this is lucy.

( ) 5.今天气温是20度,同学问你气温,你回答________

a it’s 20 degrees.

b it’s 20 degree .


1. is office teachers’ the where (?)


2. you a have library do (?)


3. to bed time is it to go (.)


4. the room is that com*r (.)




hi! i’m linda . i’m 10 years old. i get up at 6:40 in the morning. it’s s*n o’clock. it’s time to eat breakfast. my school is near my house. so i go to school at 7:45. i have lunch at 12:10. after lunch i play with my friends. it’s four o’clock. it’s time for p.e class. we jump and run. i feel (感觉)happy all day. i go home at five.

时 间 活 动

1 get up

7:00 eat breakfast

7:45 2

3 have lunch

4:00 4

5 go home

1.__________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4._________ 5._________

(二)读短文,判断句子正( t ) ,误( f )。(12分)

hello!welcome to our new music room . look! there is a teacher’s desk, eight pictures, a *g map of china and a nice piano(钢琴)in it . you can see six fans and s*n lights. the wall is blue and floor is white. it’s very *g . i can sing and dance in the music room . i like my new music room .

( ) 1. we have a new music room .

( ) 2. i can see 7 pictures in the room.

( ) 3. a *g map of china is in the room.

( ) 4. i can see eight lights in the room.

( ) 5. the floor is white.

( ) 6. i don’t like our new music room .

