四年级英语下册期末试卷 陕旅版四年级英语下册期末试卷

2023-08-19 00:00:43 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、 请写出他们的左邻右舍。(每空1分,共12分) bb ss mm ff pp


一、 请写出他们的左邻右舍。(每空1分,共12分)____ bb ____ ____ ss _____ ____ mm _________ ff ____ ____ pp _____ ____vv ____二、 规范书写我*棒。(每空2分,共12分)sun phone drink cousin ride cold三、 按照正确的格式抄写下列句子。(每空2分,共10分)1、london is a *g city.2.i took some pictures.3. robots will do *rything.4. did he live in new york?5.she’s a nice teacher.四、请仔细看图,将单词抄写在对应图片下面。(每空3分,共12分)五、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(每空2分,14分)( )1.a.football b.basketball c.*g( )2.a.take b.long c.short( )3.a.tuesday b.ship c.friday( )4.a.beijing b.china c.london( )5.a.school b.zoo c.apple( )6.a.grandma b.dog c.grandpa( )7.a.do b.cooked c.*ed六、单项选择,将序号填在题前括号中。(每空1分,共8分)( )1.whose house is it?a. it’s the queen’s house. b. it’s a *g house.( )2. lili fell ______ her *ke.a.off b. to( )3.what’s that?a.it’s a robort. b. i like apples.( )4. did he go to school?a.yes, he did. b.no,i’m not( )5. he went to school _______.a. were b. by *ke( )6. she saw some ______.a.*rds b. mother( )7.you had a ______ time.a.good b.car( )8.she can a *ke.a.rides b.ride七、问答对对碰,将序号填在题前括号中。(每空2分,共10分)( )1、how are you? a、 yes ,he did.( )2、goodbye! b.i’m nine.( )3、did he live in new york? c、yes,i was.( )4、were you at home yesterday? d、i’m fine.thank you.( )5、how old are you? e、goodbye!八、情景交际:(将正确答案的序号填在括号里)(每空2分,共12分)( )1.我那时两岁,应该怎么说:a. i was two then b. they are old.( ) 2.儿童节到了,你怎样向同学祝贺:a. happy new year! b. happy children ’s day !( ) 3. 你昨天在家吗,应该怎样说?a. were you at home yesterday? b. were you at the zoo?( ) 4. 他去年住在中卫吗,该怎么问?a. did you live in china last week?b. did he live in zhongwei last year?( ) 5. 当你想问“那个小女孩是谁?” 应说:a. who is that little girl? b. who is this little boy?( ) 6你是个好女孩,应该说:a. you are a good girl. b. you are a good boy.九、阅读理解,将序号填在题前括号中。(每空2分,共10分)tomorrow is saturday.let’s have a class party.we will go to the park.the park is in the north of school.we can fly our kites.sam is going to go skating and amy will tell us a story(故事)。mr li,our english teacher will play the guitar.we will go there at nine o’clock.( ) 1.tomorrow is .a. saturday b.tuesday( ) 2. -is the park *g?- .a. yes, it is. b.no, it’s small.( ) 3.-what will sam do?-he will .a. go skating. b.go home( ) 4.mr li is our teacher.a. chinese b.english( ) 5.we will go there at o’clock.a. nine b.one

