
2023-08-22 11:15:38 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一.看一看,写一写,每线一词,首字母已给。1 do you like h pe classes? yes, we do 2 what can you see?



1. do you like h__________ pe classes? yes, we do.

2. what can you see? a c__________.

3. it’s t__________ for art classes. please give me a brush.

4. what is your favourite subject? it’s m___________.

5. is this a notebook? no, it’s a c__________ book

6. --- can you play the p__________? --- yes, i like m__________.

二. 选择答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内。

( ) 1. let’s __________ the pop songs together now.

a. listen b. listening to c. listen to( ) 2. it’s time _______ have breakfast. what food do you like?

a. for b. four c. to

( ) 3. it’s a quarter ________ twelve in the morning.

a. past b. to c. at

( ) 4. what _______ she ________ this morning?

a. did…had b. did…has c. did…have( ) 5. english is a ________.

a. subject b. school c. book


1. my fovourite subject is english.(根据划线部分提问)


2. he heard a loud sound yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)


3. the yellow leaves are on the water.(改为一般过去式)


4. they like singing and dancing.(改成单数句)


5. they are playing the guitar at three.(用what time进行提问)


6. what subject do you like?(根据实际情况回答)


四。 请写一写你某一天的课程,你会做些什么?你喜欢什么课程?喜欢的理由呢?请以my timetable for________为题写一段话,至少35个单词,要求3种及以上句型。先将题目补充完整。

my timetable for ________________




