
2023-08-22 16:30:33 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言5 what’s in your room?6 did you take a photo last weekend?


5. what’s in your room?_____________________________________________6. did you take a photo last weekend?_______________________________ ___ part 3: reading and writing:16%一.阅读短文. 与短文内容一致的用”t”表示.不一致的用”f”表示:6%there is an old woman in paris. she doesn’t like children at all. but she loves cats. she has black cats and white cats. she has mother cats and baby cats. so the children like to come to her house. they come to play with the cats. * and * cats come to the old woman’s house. soon(不久)there are too many cats and the old woman can’t feed them. then she has an idea. “the children love my cats,” she thinks. so she gives each child a cat. then she is happy, the children are happy, and the cats are happy, too. because they each (每一个)have a home.1. ( ) the old woman likes cats and children. 2. ( ) the children want to * the old woman do some housework.3. ( ) many cats come to the old woman’s house and the old woman can’t feed them.4. ( ) the old woman gives each child a cat.5. ( ) the old woman is sad because she has no cats. 6. ( ) *ry cat has a home at last.二、阅读短文回答问题:5%sandy is a boy of el*n. he studies at garden school. it is a beautiful school. he is in class two, grade five. *ry morning he goes to school on foot. he enjoys his school life. from monday to friday he has four lessons in the morning, and he has another two in the afternoon. sandy likes sports very much. his favourite sport is ping-pong. he often plays ping-pong after school. sometimes he plays ping-pong with his classmates. sometimes he plays it with his parents. there is a gym in their school. sandy always plays ping-pong against tom there. playing ping-pong makes them strong and happy. 1. how old is sandy?

2. does sandy walk to school *ry day?

3. how many lessons does sandy have from monday to friday? 4. does sandy often play ping-pong after class of after school ? 5. does sandy always play ping-pong with tom in the gym? 三、写话:5%要求:以last weekend 为题写小短文,至少5句话。 _________________________________________________________________

堡镇小学2012学年第一学期五年级英语期中测试卷听力内容:一、听录音,选出听到的单词:8%( c ) 1. students must keep the school rules.( a ) 2. we mustn’t take the magazines out of the reading room.( b ) 3. the little baby is asleep.( a ) 4. it is quiet around the school in the *ning. ( b ) 5. tina usually gets up late on saturday.( c ) 6. i will go with you next time.( b ) 7. there were two parrots beside the window.( c ) 8. my mother went to the super* yesterday *ning.二、听录音,选出听到的句子:8%( c ) 1. must i finish my homework before supper?( b ) 2. julia is monitor of class 4, grade 5.( a ) 3. please write to me about your family.( c ) 4. let’s go skateboarding.( b ) 5. does your mother go to the gym *ry sunday?( a ) 6. we played football in the playground this morning.( b ) 7. there were some news*s on the shelf just now.( c ) 8. today is children’s day. happy children’s day!三、听录音,选出恰当的应答句:6%( a ) 1. is shanghai a modern city? ( b ) 2. may i go out and play now?( a ) 3. what day is today?( c ) 4. who does tom look like?( a ) 5. what do your parents do?( b ) 6. where are you going?四、听短文判断,相符的用“t”表示,不相符的用“f”表示:5%this is a photo of mike’s family. look, this is mike’s mother. she is a dentist. she is slim and beautiful. mike’s father is beside his mother. he’s tall and strong. he is a policeman. mike and his sister linda are standing in front of their parents. linda is playing with her dog, spotty. she’s only five years old. she’s cute. they are all smiling. they are happy. f t f t t五、听录音,填入所缺单词:6%1. miss green is kind to us.2. china is a large country.3. our ma*r likes to play ping-pong.4. i usually go to school at 7:00 a.m. 5. no one is perfect in the world.6. we should make * friends.

