
2023-08-23 15:00:41 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言听力部分(30%)(每题读两遍)一、listen and choose (听录音,选单词。)(10%)( ) 1 a short b strict c shy( ) 2 a tuesda


听力部分(30%)(每题读两遍)一、listen and choose.(听录音,选单词。)(10%)( ) 1.a. short b. strict c. shy( ) 2.a. tuesday b. friday c. wednesday( ) 3.a. juice b. tea c. sandwich( ) 4.a. sing songs b. play the pipa c. speak english( ) 5.a. near b. above c. in front of( ) 6.a. forest b. tree c. village( ) 7.a. nature b. house c. flower( ) 8.a. water b. ice-cream c. hamburger( ) 9.a. healthy b. thirsty c. hot( ) 10.a. wonderful b. problem c. tired二、listen and number.(听录音,给下列图片排序。)(10%)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、listen and judge.(听录音,判断下列图片与所听到的内容是(t)否(f)相符。)(5%)1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )四、listen and choose.(听问句,选答语)(5%)( ) 1.a. i like reading books. b. i have maths and english.( ) 2.a. i am strong. b. i love salad.( ) 3.a. yes, i can. b. no, i’m not.( ) 4.a. yes, there is. b. no, there aren’t.( ) 5.a. yes, there are. b. yes, there is.笔试部分(70分)五、read and judge. (小法官,来断案。读一读,判断画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“t”,不相同的写“f”。)(10%)( ) 1.hous mouse ( ) 2.paint wait( ) 3.book food ( ) 4.cow window( ) 5.feet meet ( ) 6.monday thursday( ) 7.tea eat ( ) 8.happy shy( ) 9.horse fork ( ) 10.car *rd六、read and choose.(运用能力我*棒!读句子,看图片,根据提示写出单词。)(10%)1.mike is tall and (强壮的).2.my favourite day is (星期二).3.i’d like some (汉堡包). they are delicious.4.look! there is a (钟表) on the wall.5.there is a (桥) over there.6.there are many (植物)in the park.7.---what can you do? ---i can (画) cartoons.8.---where is the (湖泊)?---it’s behind the hill.9.---are there any (山)? ---yes, there are.10.---are there any trees in the (村庄)?---no, there aren’t.七、read and choose. (火眼金睛。读一读,选择正确答案,将序号写在括号内。)(10%)( ) 1.--- ______ your art teacher? --- mr. jones.a. what's b. who's c. where's( ) 2.--- is she friendly? --- ______a. yes, she isn't. b. no, she is. c. no, she isn't.( )3.---do you often read books? --- .a. yes, she is. b. no, i don’t. c. yes, i am.( )4.--- what would you like to drink? --- i'd like some ______.a. tomatoes b. tea c. sandwich( )5.---what can you do for the party? --- i ______ dance.a. am b. can c. can( )6.can you do ______ kung fu?a. many b. any c. some( )7.amy is behind john. john is ______ amy.a. front b. in front of c. in the front of( ) 8.there are two dogs ______ the picture.a. / (不填) b. above c. in( ) 9.--- ______ there a river in the park? --- yes, there is.a. is b. are c. is( ) 10.--- ______ there any animals? --- no, there aren’t.a. are b. are c. is八、 read and choose.(小小交际家!读问句,找答语。)(10%)( ) 1.what’s she like? a. i have maths and music.( ) 2.what do you have on mondays? b. a sandwich, please.( ) 3.what would you like to eat? c. she’s hard-working.( ) 4.can you do any kung fu? d. yes, i can.( ) 5.are there any tall buildings? e. yes, there are.九、read and choose. (搭配小能手。找出合适的选项填到横线上,完成对话。)(10%)david:______ on the weekend?miss white: i often wash my clothes and ______tv.david: ______your favourite food?miss white: i______ saland. it’s healthy.david: thank you, miss white.miss white: ______.十、read and tick or cross.(阅读小能手。阅读短文,判断对错,打“√”或“×”。) (10%)hello! i'm mary. i’d like to introduce(介绍) my village to you. my village is in the mountains. there are many small houses and a river. there is a bridge over the river. the water is clean. there are many fish in it. there is a road near the river. there are many flowers beside the road. my village is really beautiful. you can see green grass, many trees and a lake. welcome to my village. you’ll love it too.( ) 1.mary’s village is beautiful.( ) 2.there is a road near the river.( ) 3.there are many tall buildings in the village.( ) 4.there isn’t a bridge over the river.( ) 5.there are no flowers near the road.十一、read and write.(我是小小写作家。读一读,写一写,你能根据例句仿写吗?快来试一试吧!)(10%)i like my village. i like my _________.there is a lake. _________________there is a river. _________________there is a hill. _________________there are many trees. _________________how beautiful! how beautiful!参考答案一、listen and choose.(听录音,选单词。)(10%)1.b 2.c 3.a 4. b 5.b 6. a 7.c 8. c 9. a 10.a二、listen and number.(听录音,给下列图片排序。)(10%)5 2 4 1 3三、listen and judge.(听录音,判断下列图片与所听到的内容是(t)否(f)相符。)(5%)1.t 2.f 3.f 4. t 5.t四、listen and choose.(听问句,选答语)(10%)1.b 2.b 3.a 4.a 5.b五、read and judge. (读一读,判断画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“t”,不相同的写“f”。)(10%)1.t 2.t 3.f 4.f 5.t 6. t 7.t 8.f 9.t 10.f六、read and choose.(读句子,看图片,根据提示写出单词。)(10%)1.strong 2.tuesday 3.hamburger 4.clock 5.bridge6.plants 7.draw 8.lake 9.mountains 10.village七、read and choose. (火眼金睛。读一读,选择正确答案,将序号写在括号内。)(10%)1.b 2.c 3.b 4. b 5.b 6. b 7.b 8. c 9. a 10.b八、 read and choose.(小小交际家!读问句,找答语。)(10%)1.c 2.a 3.b 4. d 5.e九、read and choose. (搭配小能手。找出合适的选项填到横线上,完成对话。)(10%)1.e 2.d 3.c 4. a 5.b十、read and tick or cross.(阅读小能手。阅读短文,判断对错,打“√”或“×”。) (10%)1.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.×十一、read and write.(我是小小写作家。读一读,写一写,你能根据例句仿写吗?快来试一试吧!)(10%)参考范文:i like my room.there is a photo.there is a clock.there is a bottle water.there are many plants.how beautiful!

