
2023-08-23 15:45:33 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、英汉短语互译。1、野营营地 2、互相帮助3、两罐鸡肉 4、一只旧的望远镜5、一盒巧克力 6、一篮水果7、a brown blanket 8、near


一、英汉短语互译。1、野营营地 2、互相帮助3、两罐鸡肉 4、一只旧的望远镜5、一盒巧克力 6、一篮水果7、a brown blanket 8、near the tent9、a new towel 10、behind the stove二、用have或has填空,使句意完整。1. they a new tent for the camping trip.2. i a map of the world.3. my father a blue towel.4. do you a stove?5. ben a mask.6. –-what does her brother ? --he a toy plane.7. --do you any pots? --yes, we three new pots.三、选择正确答案。1、i have old tent. a: a b: an c: the2、what does have? a: jim b: they c: you3、you some oranges, and he one.a: has, has b: have, has c: have. have4、what do have? a: there b: yang ling c: they5、 does mike have? he a stove.a: which, has b: what, have c: what, has四、根据所给例子,完成句子。model: you, a telescopewhat do you have? i have a telescope.1、he, a tin-opener2、nancy, a pot3、we, a stove and a blanket4、helen and mike, a tent5、you, a towel五、连词成句。1、does, sam, what, have (? )2、a pot, a stove, they, have, and (。)3、have, they, some, towels, nice (。)4、tom’s, does, have, friend, what (?)5、some, picture, they, some, have (。)六、阅读短文,并判断对错。ted is twelve years old. he has z little dog. it is a present(礼物) from his parents. ted likes the dog very much. he calls the dog luck(幸运)。 luck is white. it has two *g eyes. it likes playing with ted. *ry sunday, ted takes luck to the park. they have a good time there.1. luck is twelve years old.2. ted likes the present from his parents.。3. luck’s eyes are *g.4. luck doesn’t likes playing with ted.5. *ry sunday, ted goes to the park with luck.

