六年级下学期英语期中考试试题 往年六年级期中考试试题

2023-08-26 09:45:11 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言这篇《六年级下学期英语期中考试试题》,是一、 听音,选择。(5分)( )5、a: wash b: watch c: wear( )5、a: need b: teeth



一、 听音,选择。(5分)

( )5、a: wash b: watch c: wear

( )5、a: need b: teeth c: hit

( )5、a、muscles b、months c、much

( )5、a、time b、tired c、team

( )5、a: he’s sad. b: he’s sick. c: she’s thin.


( ) do your homework ( ) play basketball

( ) wash your face ( )brush your teeth

( ) comb your hair

三、 听问题,选答句。(10分)

( )1、a、twenty minutes b、five c、once a day

( )2、a、i’m going to do my homework. b、i’m doing my homework.

c、i do my homework .

( )3、a、ride is exercise . b、walking is exercise .

c、teeth is exercise .

( )4、a、five times b、ten minutes c、two days

( )5、a、he bought a t-shirt .b、he buys a book .

c、he is going to buy runners

四、 听录音,判断句子对错。(10分)

( )1、tom went to see animals last weekend.

( )2、tom likes animals.

( )3、tom’s mom went shopping.

( )4、tom’s dad read some magazines.

( )5、tom’s family had a good time last weekend.



1. buy(过去式)___________ 2. teach(过去式) _____________

3.heavy(反义词)____________ 4. healthy(反义词)______________

5.teeth(单数) ______________ 6. hit(现在分词)_____________

7.buy(过去式)_______________ 8. week(同音词)_____________

9. our(同音词)_____________ 10.win(过去式)_________________


1. once a week ___________ 2. twice a day _____________

3. 一年六次____________ 4. thirty minutes ______________

5. 洗我的脸 ______________ 6. wake up _____________

7. 刷他的牙_______________ 8. 梳她的头发_____________

9. 健康强壮______________ 10. 淋浴_________________


1、li ming __________(need) a t-shirt .

2、can you teach __________( i ) to play ping-pong ?

3、after breakfast , he brushes __________(he) teeth .

4、a healthy body__________(have) clean skin .

5、上海版六年级下学期英语期中考试试题:do you have __________(some) melon ?


( ) 1、i don’t have a t-shirt ______.

a、too b、either c、to

( ) 2、do you like these runners _____those runners ?

a、and b、or c、with

( ) 3、you hit the ping-pong ball _____ jenny .

a、to b、with c、for

( ) 4、_____ do you play basketball ? once a week .

a、how often b、how much c、how old

( ) 5、we yelled _____bob’s team yesterday .

a、on b、to c、for

( ) 6、danny ate breakfast once _____tuesday .

a、 in b、on c、at

( ) 7、 _____ minutes do you dry the dishes ?

a、how many b、how much c、how often

( ) 8、sixty minutes make_____ hour .

a、a b、an c、the

( ) 9、bob’s team won the *, ____ team lost.

a. other b. others c. another d. the other

( ) 10、the * is ______ the school gym ___7:00.

a. in, at b. in, in c. at, in d. at, at


1.hour sixty make an minutes

2.school is walking exercise to

3. light ball this is

4. good you it’s for

5. a this * basketball is

五、 阅读理解。(15分)

on national day, we had a long holiday. we had s*n days. i went tohainan with my parents. my grandparents lived in a beautiful village in hainan. we visited them. we went to see the blue sea *ry day. we swam in it. we went fishing. my grandma cooked good food for us *ry day. the seafood is tasty. i like it . we took many pictures. i was excited.

( )1、i went to hainan with my ___ .

a、father and mother b、grandparents

( )2、there are ___ days on national day.

a: a week b: s*n

( )3、i was ___ on national day.

a、 very happy b、tired

( )4、i can ___ in hainan.

a、 went fishing b、 swim and go fishing

( )5、we ate good food ___ .

a、on national day b、*ry day

