牛津英语六年级下册期末综合检测题 上海牛津英语六年级

2023-08-28 08:52:23 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、词组互译。1 看上去一样 2 go for a walk 3 擅长…… 4 as far as



1.看上去一样_______________ 2.go for a walk__________________ 3.擅长……__________________ 4.as far as________________________ 5.下公共汽车_______________ 6.*ry three days _______________ 7.在春天____________________ 8.by the way_____________________ 9.写封信____________________ 10.in the countryside____________二、根据汉语提示,填入适当的词或词组。

1.ben____(想找) a penfriend in china.

2.her hob*es are____(游泳) and____(跳舞)。

3.it's often____(雨天) in spring in new york.

4.miss li is____(与……交谈) her students.

5.our classroom is____(更大) than theirs.

6.i often write e-mails to my____(笔友)。

7.please turn right at____(第四个) crossing.

8.we are going to ____(参加) the meeting this afternoon.

9.they____(买) some masks in the super* yesterday.

10.helen____(起床) at six thirty *ry day.


a b

( )1.shall we meet at three thirty?a.about two kilometres away.( )2.how many stops are there?b.yes,they are.( )3.is she going to join us?c.no,you can't.( )4.what else would you like?d.only two.( )5.are the boxes as light as the yellow ones?e.ok.see you soon.( )6.did gary watch cartoons last week?f.it's about a quarter to eight.( )7.can i play volleyball now?g.beautiful flowers.( )8.what time is it now?h.yes,he did.( )9.how far is the post office from here?i.no,she isn't.( )10.who studies better,betty or rose?j.i think,betty does. 四、根据上下文,完成对话,每空一词。1.a:may i____to nancy?


a:are you free now?


a:what are you going to do today?

b:i'm going to see the puppet show. ____you like to come?

a:of course.____shall we meet?

b:ninghai road, in____of the bookshop.

a:ok.and what time? ww w.xk b1. com

b:see you____twenty to two.

a:see you.

2.a:excuse me,can you tell me the

to the hospital?

b:yes. go____this road and turn ____at the second crossing. the hospital is on your right.

a:____is it from here?

b:about one kilometre.


( )1.do you have____brothers____sisters in your family?

a.some…and b.some…or c.any…or d.any…and( )2.jim and mary____ good____english and com*r.

a.are…in b.is…in c.are…at d.is…at( )3.how____is the cinima from here?

a.far b.many c.much d.about( )4.we can have____outing in____autumn.

a.a…a b.an…an c.an…/ d.the…the( )5.____you like to come?____of course. i'll come____them.

a.what…with b.what's…of c.would…with d.would…of( )6.i'd like____helen soon.

a.to write b.to write to c.to writing to d.to writing( )7.____tom____in a *g house?

a.does…live b.does…lives c.do…lives d.do…live( )8.a:what ____jane____?

b:she's writing an e-mail to her penfriend.

a.is…doing b.did…do c.will…do d.is…going to do( )9.you and i like listening to music. we____have the same____.

a.both…hob*es b.too…hob*es c.are…hobby d.both…hobby( )10.i'm el*n years old. and my little brother is eight. so____.

a.he's taller than me. b.i'm three years older. c.i'm two months older. d.he's older than me.六、以“my favourite season”为题写一段话,不少于5句。


my favourite season




