初一英语期末考试试卷及答案 初一英语期末考试试卷2023

2023-08-30 15:45:31 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、听力选择(共24分) a)回答问题:听下面6个问题。每个问题后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出选项。每个问题读两遍


一、听力选择(共24分) a)回答问题:听下面6个问题。每个问题后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出选项。每个问题读两遍。(每题1分,共6分)1. a. com*rs. b. dogs c. red2. a. yes, i would. b. i’d love to c. i’d like.3. a. she likes fruit. b. she is tall and *ful. c. she is a nurse.4. a. my brother’s b. me. c. mine.5. a. sometimes. i got up late and was late for work b. * than five hours a week.c. i went to work *ry day.6. a. her *rthday. b. 200 yuan c. i’ve no idea. b)对话理解:听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出答案。每段对话和问题读两遍。(每题1分,共8分)7. what will jack do if it is fine this sunday? a. he will go fishing b. he will play basketball c. we don’t know 8. where did the woman live before?a. in shanghai. b. in paris. c. in london. 9. what did *ll do last night?a. he finished his homework. b. he washed his clothes. c. he watched tv.10. how long does the film last?a. for s*nty minutes. b. for eighty minutes. c. for an hour.11. where are they talking?a. a little dog b. at a pet shop. c. in an office.12. when did the man feed the fantail goldfish? a. at 7.00 b. at 7.20 c. at 6.4013. what does the woman want to buy? a. some books b. clothes c. some food14. what’s suzy’s favourite subject?a. maths b. english c. history c)短文理解:听下面的短文。短文后有5个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出答案。短文读两遍。(每题2分,共10分)15. when did some countries have a dream to go to the moon?a. in the 1960s. b. in the 1950s c. in 200316. who was the first man in *?a. yuri gagarin. b. neil armstrong. c. yang liwei.17. which country did the first man in * come from?a. america. b. russia c. china18. what happened in 1969?a. an american *ship flew to the moon. b. a russian *ship flew to the moon.c. a chinese *ship flew to the moon.19. when did yang liwei fly around the earth?a. in 2001. b. in 2003. c. in 2004. 二、选择填空:(每题1分,共31分)a)单项填空:从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的选项。1. — day it is! —let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine! a. what a lovely b. how sunny c. what a terrible d. how terrible2. — you late for school yesterday? —yes, i . a. did, did b. was, was c. were, was d. did, was3. simon reading. he reads books *n while he has meals. a. is like b. is crazy about c. is fond d. dislikes4. eddie doesn’t like waking up early. he barks who wakes before 11 o’clock.a. to someone, up him b. at someone, him up c. to anyone, up him d. at anyone, him up5. —it’s very hot in the room! —why not keep the door . a. close b. closed c. open d. opened6. —can you anything strange? —it like a small mouse. a. listen, sounds b. hear, listens c. hear, sounds d. sound, hears7. lucy, what two days ago? a. you happen b. you happened c. did you happen d. happened to you8. the parents were to the policeman because he *ed them find their child. a. *ful b. unhappy c. grateful d. rude9. the teacher’s *, i can’t work it out so easily. a. with b. without c. on d. no10. —can you join us this afternoon? —sorry, i can’t. i take care of my little sister because my mother is out. a. can b. may c. would d. have to11. there are trees in that school. they need to plant *. a .few b. a lot of c .a few of d .a little12. we stopped , but heard nothing from the room. a. to listening to b. to listen to c .listening d .to listen13. i worked hard at english. , i still find it too difficult for me. a. so b. and c. how*r d. because14. if you don’t do your best, the will be bad! a. news b. ideas c. classes d. results15. when you leave your classroom, you shouldn’t the lights . a. leave, off b. turn, on c. turn, off d. leave, on16. you should try your best to remember in the class. a. nothing useful b. useful something c. useful *rything d. *rything useful17. *ryone thinks that simon should get award his hard work. a. a, of b. an, for c. /, for d. an, with18. he get into house last night because he his key. a. can’t, left b. could, forgot c. couldn’t, lost d. can, lose19. i saw a snake in the grass. a. sleep b. to sleep c. slept d. sleeping20. please be matches to keep yourself safe. a. carefully with b. care of c. careful with d. careless of21. each of the students an english book in our class. a. has b. have c. there is d. there are b)完形填空: 通读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c、d)中,选出可以填入空白处的选项。 one night, mary heard some *g 22 noise. “doh, doh, …” it 23 for a few minutes. mary went out of her bedroom to search *rywhere. her parents were sleeping and there were no 24 people in the house. mary returned to her bedroom. mary heard 25 again. she thought, “it is a cat? my neighbour has a cat. but cats miaow. they don’t 26 *g noise.” “maybe it’s a *rd 27 around and looking for a place to rest. no! that doesn’t make 28 noise.” “maybe it’s the whisper of my parents. they 29 be talking in their room. but that noise wasn’t a whisper at all.” mary went to bed again but she heard the noise again. she was 30 . her legs were 31 and she could not walk any *.22. a. strong b. strange c. frightened d. loud23. a. sounded b. went about c. went on d. went away24. a. any b. other c. the other d. others25. a. the noise b. a noise c. noise d. the other noise26. a. like b. make c. have d. give27. a. going b. jumping c. flying d. running28. a. some b. any c. many d. so29. a. may not b. must c. mustn’t d. can’t30. a. angry b. worried c. frightened d. sad31. a. weak b. strong c. sick d. bad 三、阅读理解:(每小题2分,共20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c、d)中,选出选项。a “well, we’re in our new house. let’s get a new pet.” mrs. brown said to her hu*and. “that sounds a good idea,” he answered. “maybe we can see the ads(广告)in the news*.” “let’s go to the animal shelter. many pets there need homes. tomorrow is saturday, we can go together,” she said. the next morning, the browns met mr. snow at the animal shelter. “we want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes,” mr. snow said. “so i need to ask you some questions.” after they talked for a while, the browns planned to get a small dog. it wouldn’t need a *g house or a *g yard(院子). a small dog would bark and warn(警告)them if someone tried to come into their house. after mr. snow gave the browns a book on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take her home right away. but the animal doctor needed to check her. so mr. snow told them to come again on sunday. on sunday afternoon the browns went to the animal shelter. the animal doctor said, “shadow has had all of the shots(预防针). she will be healthy.” the browns thanked the doctor and took shadow home.1. from the reading we know that .a. the browns live in a small house b. the browns knew about shadow from the news*c. shadow is a small dog d. mr. brown didn’t need a pet2. “animal shelter” in the passage means . a. a place to sell(卖)small dogs b. a place to keep animals that have no homes c. a place to study animals d. a place to sell books on pet care3. mr. snow asked the browns some questions to . a. see where they lived b. find out how rich the browns were c. know where they would keep their new pet d. make sure they would love pets4. the browns think that a small dog . a. doesn’t run quickly b. eats less food than a *gger one c. can * them watch their house d. usually has a beautiful name bwhen the world was very young, people lived only in hot places. they did not live in cold places because they could not keep warm there. at first men did not know how to make a fire. sometimes trees were hit by lightning. then a fire was started. people took some of the fire near their homes. a fire was very important for three reasons. it kept them warm. wild animals were frightened when they saw it. and when food was cooked, it tasted much better.but men did not know how to make a fire. when they had a fire, they did not let it stop burning. if it went out(熄灭), they could not start it again. they had to wait for lightning to start another fire. sometimes they had to wait for years.later, they learned how to make a fire. but it was not easy to make something burn.now we have matches. we can carry them in our pockets and make a fire when we want to. 5. people found that .a. the cooked food tasted better than the uncooked foodb. the uncooked food tasted much better than the cooked foodc. wild animals enjoyed the cooked foodd. wild animals kept warm near the trees 6. people didn’t let a fire stop burning because .a. they were not able to make a fire b. they liked to wait for lightningc. it rained now and then d. they didn’t like to make a fire 7. now we can make a fire .a. by lightning b. if it is necessary c. for three reasons d. in our pockets celephants are interesting animals with large ears, a long trunk, and short legs. they use their legs to stand and walk. unlike lions and tigers, an elephant cannot use its legs to jump or run fast. but elephants do have something that most animals do not have —a trunk! it is difficult for an elephant to bend(弯曲) down to reach food on the ground because of its short, fat legs. that is why an elephant has a trunk. it uses its trunk to reach food it needs. without its trunk, an elephant would be *less. an elephant uses its trunk as a monkey might use its arms and hands. the elephant can scratch(抓)an itch(痒), pick up a small peanut or a piece of popcorn, and touch objects with its trunk. an elephant’s trunk can *n wrap(裹)around a tree and pull it out of the ground. an elephant’s trunk also *s it drink water. an elephant can drink as much as 50 gallons(加仑) of water into its trunk. then the elephant squirts(*出)the water into its mouth and down its throat. an elephant’s trunk is very useful!8. in paragraph 2, *less means . a. without * b. n*r * c. trying to * d. full of *9. what is one way that the elephant’s trunk is like a monkey’s hands? a. both have fingers. b. both squirt water. c. both hold food. d. both have fingernails(指甲).10. this story mostly tells the reader that elephants . a. use their short legs to find food b. are stronger than most animals c. drink water once a day d. would be *less without a trunk 四、根据所给中文或单词写出正确的形式:(每题1分,共15分)1. he (重)about four kilograms when he was born.2. *ry year (千)of foreign visitors come to suzhou.3. he is very young, so he can’t look after (自己).4. chen dan is a cl*r young boy. he can learn things (快).5. do you know that he is fond of (收集)stamps?6. there are lots of (老鼠)in the old man’s house.7. sandy’s sister (刷)her cat’s fur once a day.8.he wants to be a (科学家)when he grows up.9. i wanted to see the rainbow after the rain. but it didn’t (出现).10. when i woke up, i heard somebody (敲)on my door.11. the students of class 8 are planning (visit) guilin this summer.12. i look forward to (own) a com*r.13. julie (feed) her pet last night? yes.14. shall we go (row)tomorrow? a good idea.15. mr. wang (find) a job in a *g city two years ago. 五、汉译英:(每小题3分,共15分)1、桑迪能教我弹钢琴。 2、乘宇宙飞船从地球到月球大约要3天时间 3、他冲进厨房,帮助他的邻居扑灭了火。 4、你害怕独自在家吗?不,我一点也不怕。 5、昨天一个8岁的女孩在上学的路上摔倒了。 六、书面表达:(共15分) 学生会要表彰一批优秀学生,andy想推荐他的同学peter竞争*乐于助人奖(most *ful student award)。请以andy的名义给学生会*写一封推荐信。词数约80,不包括已给出的开头和结尾。推荐信中必须包括下列要点: 1、乐于助人,有礼貌,勤奋学习,常帮助同学学习 2、经常为希望工程募集物品,照顾老年之家的老人 3、电脑用得好,为帮扶俱乐部(the *ing hands club)从网上获取资料 4、上周一看到一个小男孩迷路,将他送回家,他的父母很感激他。andy回到家时,已经很晚了,但他感到很开心。dear sir i would like we will be glad if he can win the award.thank youyours faithfullyandy 【试题答案】一、听力选择(共24分)题号12345678910答案bbbbacabca题号111213141516171819 答案bcabaabab 二、选择填空:(每题1分,共31分)题号1234567891011答案acbdccdcbda题号1213141516171819202122答案dcdddbcdcab题号232425262728293031 答案cbabcbbca 三、阅读理解:(每小题2分,共20分)题号12345678910答案cbdcaabacd 四、根据所给中文或单词写出正确的形式:(每小题1分,共15分)1. weighed 2. thousands 3. himself 4. quickly 5. collecting6. mice 7. brushes 8. scientist 9. appear 10. knocking/knock11. to visit 12. owning 13. did, feed 14. rowing 15. found 五、汉译英:(每小题3分,共15分)1. sandy can teach me to play the piano.2. it takes about three days to travel from earth to the moon by *ship.3. he rushed into the kitchen and *ed/to * his neighbour put out the fire.4. are you afraid of staying at home alone? no, i’m not afraid at all.5. yesterday, an 8-year-old girl fell down on her way to school. 六、书面表达:(略)(共15分) 听力录音材料a. 回答问题:听下面6个问题。每个问题后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出选项。每个问题读两遍。1. what’s your favourite pet? 2. would you like to go to the cinema with us? 3. what’s your friend like? 4. who does the dog belong to? 5. how often were you late for work last year? 6. what are you going to buy for your sister? b. 对话理解:听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出答案。每段对话和问题读两遍。7. w: would you like to go fishing with us this sunday, jack? m: yes, if it is fine.8. w: i know paris well. i lived there for five years before i moved to china. m: in china, which city do you live in? w: shanghai.9. w: did you watch tv last night, *ll? m: yes, and because i watched tv i didn’t finish my homework.10. w: the film started? when did it begin? m: ten minutes ago . it will be over in an hour.11. w: i want to have a little dog as a pet. m: we have one here. it is very lovely. you will love it.12. w: what time is it? m: it’s 7 in the morning. w: did you feed your fish? m: yes, i fed it 20 minutes ago.13. w: excuse me, how can i get to the bookshop? m: go along this street to the end. you can’t miss it.14. w: what subject do you like best, simon? m: i like maths best. what about you, suzy?w: i like maths, too. i also like history and chinese. but my favourite subject is english. i have good grades in it. c、短文理解:听下面的短文。短文后有5个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出答案。短文读两遍。 we look at the moon *ry night. it’s bright and beautiful. we write songs and poems about it. in the 1960s, some countries had a dream to be the first country to put a man on the moon. america and russia were part of this ‘* race’. they spent a lot of time and money on it. the first man in * was yuri gagarin, a russian. that was in 1961. years later, in 1969, an american *ship flew to the moon. neil armstrong walked out. he was the first man to walk on the moon. the race to moon was over. china entered the * race in 2003. yang liwei, china’s *, flew around the earth in that year.

