初一英语下学期期中考试卷 初一英语下学期期中考试试卷

2023-09-01 11:15:25 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、听力考查 (20分) i 听句子,选出正确的选项。(5分) walk *ke car school bus train(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 1


一、听力考查 (20分) i. 听句子,选出正确的选项。(5分) walk *ke car school bus train(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 1. ______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. ________ii. 听句子,选择正确的答语。(5分)6. a. by a *ke. b. takes bus. c. rides the *ke.7. a. one day. b. one kilometer. c. at nine o’clock.8. a. about 3 hundred. b. about 6 hundred girls. c. about 9 hundred meters.9. a. yes, she does. b. no, she can’t. c. yes, she is.10. a. i walk to school. b. at four o’clock in the afterno on. c. i leave school for home.iii. 听对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)11. what does he go to beijing to do?a. he goes shopping. b. he goes to visit his cousin. c. he goes to visit his uncle.12. how does jack go to beijing?a . by subway. b. by car. c. by train.13. how many students are there in henry’s class?a. 30. b. 34. c. 43.14. how do most students go to school?a. by boat. b. by bus. c. by *ke.15. why do the three students walk to school? a. because they have no boat. b. because they live in the school. c. because they live near the school.iv. 听短文,完成下面表格。(5分) who how how long how farwang hai 16. ____ 17. _____minutes 6 mileschen gang by bus 18. _____minutes 19. ____milesyu fei on foot 20 minutes 20. ____mile二、单项选择 (20分)( )21. please tell the students _____ com*r *s too much. it’s not good for them.a.to play b.play c.to not play d.not to play( )22. this kind of fruit tastes ___ and sells _____. a.good,good b.well,well c.well,good d.good,well( )23. our school needs * _____ english-speaking students. a.of b.with c.for d.in( )24. ______ healthy food is good for our health. a.eating b.to eat c.eat d.eatting( )25. victor sings well.he can in the shool music club. a. is b.are c. be d. am( )26. scott works at a radio station. he thinks _____ .a. it’s interesting job b. it’s an interesting jobc. it’s a interesting job d. it’s an interesting work( )27. ---how does your father go to work? ---he often goes to work____ his car *ry day. a. by b. take c. on d. inb. ( )28. ---how long ____ it take him ____ home? ---it takes about 15 minutes. a. does, to get b. i s, get c. does, to get to d. is, to get to ( )29. i can’t play the guitar ____ the violin, and he can’t play them, .a. and, either b. or, either c. and, too d. or, too( )30. my brother is _____boy. he is very like my father. a.a 18-year-old b.an 18-years-old c.an 18 years old d.an 18-year-old( )31. i usually go to school ________. a. ride a *ke b. by *ke c. on my *ke d. b or c( )32. my mother often ____ to me, “she can ____ english.” a.say,speak b.tells,speaks c.says,say d.says,speak( )33. my brother ____ the art club.a.want join b.wants join c.wants to join d.want to join( )34. li lei can ___ chinese kung fu.a.does b.make c.do d.be( )35. *ryone ____ well at the party.a.puts on b.wears c.is in d.dresses( )36. it’s difficult for girls _____ soccer well.a.play b.to play c.playing d.plays( )37. the students in the village _____ the river to school _____ ropeway.a.cross,on b.across,by c.cross,by d.to cross,on( )38. there are ____ people in the train.a.three hundreds b. three hundreds of c.hundred of d.hundreds of( )39. ----- _____ does he like the book ? ----- he loves it.a. why b.what c.how d.where( )40. tom, _____ your room, it’s too dirty.a.cleans b.to clean c.clean d.cleaning[三、完形填空 (10分) alice lives in the small village. she usually gets up early in the morning, __41__ she’s n*r late for school. after getting up, she often takes a shower and has __42_ breakfast. then she leaves home __43_ school at around 6:30. although(虽然) her home is very far from school, __44_ she likes riding her *ke better than taking the bus. it takes her about an hour _45__ her *ke. on the way, she sings and so she always feels _46_. also she thinks that it’s good for her health _47__ school by *ke. after school she usually goes back __48_ with her friend, ann. ann’s home is near. it’s only three miles from her home __49_ school. ann likes riding, too. and she __50 thinks that it is good exercise.( )41. a.so b.or c.that d.but( )42. a.a b.*g c.a quick d.a quickly( )43. a.to b.for c.at d.to go( )44. a.but b.and c./ d.so( )45. a.rides b.to ride c.rode d.riding( )46. a.sad b.sadly c.happy d.happily( )47. a.go to b.to go c.goes d.to go to( )48. a.home b.school c.house d.hospital ( )49. a.and b.with c.to d.at( )50. a.but b.either c.too d.also四、补全对话 (5分)a: what can i do for you?b: __ 51____a: for your daughter? look, the shoes are really nice. do you like them?b: yes. but i’m afraid my daughter doesn’t like the color. _ _52______a: sure. there are different kinds of shoes over there. what color does she like?b: __ 53______ and black is her favorite.a: what size does she need?b: size 9. let me see. umm. this pair of shoes must fit her. __ 54____a: they are not expensive. only 199 yuan.b: that would be fine. ___55___ here is the money. thanks very much!a: you are welcome. a. i’ll take them.b. can you go to other shops?c. i feel sorry about it.d. may i have a look at other shoes?e. how much are they?f. i’d like a pair of shoes for my daughter.g. she likes white and black.五、阅读理解 (30分)ajane is a nice girl. she lives in london. she studies in a middle school. she gets up at six *ry day. she likes learning english. she's a bright girl. she draws pictures well. after school, she often reads news*s with her grandmother. at s*n o'clock in the *ning. jane has supper at home. *ry day at eight she does her homework and goes to bed at nine. 56. jane lives in ______. a. england b. new york c. paris d. china57. what does jane like to do? ______. a. she like s reading story-books b. she likes drawing *g pictures c. she likes reading chinese d. she likes learning english58. she is a ______ girl. a. nice b. cl*r c. tall d. nice and bright59. what does she often do after school? ______. a. she draws pictures b. she has supper c. she does some reading with her grandma d. she does her homework60. what time does she go to bed? ______.a. 8:00 b. 9:00 c. 8:35 d. 9:30 bthere are 55 students in my class. they come from different places, so they go to school in different ways. twenty students go to school on foot because they live near the school. ten students ride the *kes to school because they live not far from the school. ten students go to school by bus because they live far from the school. ten students go to school in their parents’ car. the other five students go to school by boat, because there is a river between their houses and the school.( )61. how many students are there in the class? a.55 b.20 c.10 d.50( )62. twenty students ______ to school because they live near the school.a.walk b.by bus c.ride a *ke d.on foot()63. ten students ride the *kes to school because they live _____.a.near the school b.far from the school c.not far from the school d.near the river()*. five students go to school by boat because ______.a. they would like to go by boat b.they live far from the schoolc. they have boats d.there is a river between their houses and the school()65. if you live far from the school, you should ___ ___ to go to school.a.walk b.ride *ke c.take a bus d.by boatc“good time” is a program(节目) on abc radio. jim green is an announcer(播音员) for the program. most of the girls and boys like the program. they also like jim green. some of them often make phone calls to him and thank him for his work. there are lots of letters to him *ry day, too. jim green gets up at 6:00 *ry morning. he has bread and a glass of milk for breakfast. he leaves home at 6:30 and gets to his offic e at 7:15. the program begins at 7:30. he plays the new records (唱片) of the pop songs and modern music for his listeners. at 8:00, it's time for the news. jim finishes work at 10:30. he goes home in his car. he reads news*s and listens to music after supper in the *ning. he thinks announcers’ job is very interesting and *ful.( )66. what does jim green do?a. a worker b.a doctor c.an announcer d.a teacher( )67. what’s the name of the program?a.abc radio b.good time c.new records d.vora radio( )68. what do some of the young people do *ry day? a. call jim b.write to jim c.chat on line d. both a and b( )69. what time does the program begin?a.at 6:00 b. at 7:30 c. at 8:30 d. at 9:30 ( )70. how does he go home *ry day?a.by *ke b.by bus c.by car d.on foot六、词语活用 (10分)71.scott always _______ (乘) the subway to school.72.we can do * exercise to keep h______. 73.his sister runs _______ (快). 74.his aunt e_____ sings or swims on weekends. 75. please show ______ (we) your new cds. 76.my little sister likes l______ to music very much. 77.the doctor saved(挽救了) many people’s (life).78.he goes to work at twenty (过) s*n.79.miss white __ __ (教) us english, we all like her.80.children, don’t be ____ _ (noise) in class.七、句型变换 (10分)81. he always takes the bus and subway to work. (改为否定句)he ____ takes the bus ____ subway to work.82. alice does her homework *ry *ning. (改为否定句) alice ______ _______ her homework *ry *ning.83. it’s two kilometers from my home to my school. (对画线部分提问) ______ is it from your home to your school ?84. my sister always gets dressed at six fif*. (改为同义句) my sister always gets dressed at a _______ six.85. she usually goes to work by bus. (同上) she usually the bus ______ school.八、书面表达 (15分,含卷面分2分)下面是一位11岁的女孩lily一天的活动情况。请根据下面的简介,写一篇短文 。 lily’s day6:00a.m. 起床,刷牙6:20a.m. 吃早饭(牛奶、鸡蛋和面包)6:40a.m. 骑自行车上学,花费大约一刻钟7:10a.m.—11:30a.m. 有4节课,*喜欢英语2:10p.m.—3:40p.m. 通常有2节课3:50p.m.—4:50p.m. 课后活动一小时5:00p.m. 回家6:00p.m.—8:00p.m. 做家庭作业9:00p.m. *睡觉

