
2023-09-04 20:21:22 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言这篇关于初一英语上册单元同步考试题,是( )1 a some pens and clothes b some pens and a dictionaryc some pencils



( )1.a. some pens and clothes . b.some pens and a dictionary

c.some pencils and a coat. d.some books and pens.

( )2.a.45 yuan b.65 yuan c.75 yuan d.80 yuan.

( )3.a.the green one b.the blue one c.the one for $16

( )4.a. $16 b. $4 c.$3 d.$9.


1.---how much is your white shirt ?---it’s ten d________.

2.---what’s the p_______ of the black sweater ? ---it’s thirty yuan.

3.---what color are the shorts ? ---y_______.

4.the pants are s__________, i want to buy long ones.(ones=pants)

5.---can i h________ you,sir ?---yes,i want a t-shirt,please.

6.---let’s play tennis after school. ---s________. i don’t have a racket.

7.at the c_________ store,we can see many pants,shirts,shorts and so on.

and see for y__________ at the fruit store.


( )1.the basketball is twenty___.a.dollar b.dollars c.yuans

( )2.—how much ___ the ___?---they’re two dollars.

a.issock b.aresocks c.issocks d.aresock

( )3.___ are the bananas? a.what color b.how many c.how much.

( )4.we have t-shirt in blue,yellow,red and black___on ly 20 yuan.

a.for b.in c.onl y d.at

( )5.the white shorts______ 15 yuan.

a.is on sale b.are on sale c.are on sell for d.are on sale for.

( )6. the t-shirt is too long. i want a ______ one.

a.green b.*g c.short d.each.

( )7.---how much____ the com*r * ?---___thirty yuan.

a.isit’s b.arethey’re c.isthey’re d.areit’s

( )8.el*n and twelve is ____.

a.twenty b. twenty-three c. twenty-two d. twenty-four

( )9.---__is your pen ? ---it’s green.

a.what b.how c.what color d.how much .

( ) and ___ a look at the photo. a.have b.has c.do d.*

( )11.how much __ do you want? a.tomatoes b.ba nana c.chicken d.chickens.

( )12.if(如果) tom wants to borrow(借) your ruler,you should say(应该说)“__”

a.sorry, i don’t know. b.here you are.c.i’m ok.d.thank you.

( )13 .---what color is the pen ?----it’s ___ orange. it’s ___ orange pen.

a.a an b.an an c.an x d.x an.

( )14.--is jim in bla ck shoes ? --yes,____. a. it is b.they are c.he is d.she is.

( )15.this ___ is small. do you have a *g one ?

a. socks b.shirtc.short d.shorts.


a: 1

b:yes,i do.i have black bags,red bags and blue bags.do you like these ?

a:yes,i do.2

b:they’re twenty-nine dollars.

a:do you have pants?

b:3 . these red pants are s*n dollars.

a:and those pants on the table?

how much are they ?

b:4.and those black pants are 12 dollars

a:5 . 1___2____3_____4_____5____.


1.t hat red sweater is 10 dollars.(对画线部分提问) ______ ______ ___ that red sweater ?

2.mike likes chinese.(改为否 定句) mike___________ __________ chinese.

3.this is a blue bus.(改为复数句子) ___________ are blue __________.

4.that bag is black.(改为同义句) that ________ a ____________ bag.

5.i have great bags for only $5.(一般问句)_____ you ________ great bags for only $5?

6.the shoes are ten yuan.(对画线部分提问) _______ ______ _____ the shoes ?

7.what can i do for you?(改为同义句) _______ i ________ you ?

8.the price of these shoes is¥80.(改为同义句) these _________ ________ ¥80.


hi,boys and girls.please have a look at jennifer’s clothes store.do you like sweater ?do you want to have them at a good price?w e have sweaters in four colors at $15.do you want the cool school bags?please come to our store,we have ten kinds of different (不同的) bags in all colors.the price is from $3 to $30.we have pants in five colors and shorts in six colors,come and have a look. we also have great socks in six colors for you.can you beli*(相信) it ?they are only $2。

( )1.the store has sweaters in five colors

( )2.the socks are two dollars.

( )3.the store has no shirts.

( )4.the store has socks in four color s.

( )5.there are bags for $50 in the store .

七.参考课本p46的广告词,替mr cool’s sports store写一则广告词。该商店的物品及价格:basketball---$10$15;baseball--- $20; volleyball---26 yuan. (9分)

