二年级英语下册试卷之期中测试题 人教版二年级英语下册

2023-09-05 08:15:12 666阅读 投稿:网友



一、写出26个字母的大小写。(26分) 二、选出与下列词语相应的单词(10分)( )小的 a 、monkey b、 small c、panda( )足球 a 、foot b、 football c、ball( )牛奶 a、rice b、noodles c、milk( )老虎 a、lion b、tiger c、elephant( ) 门 a、door b、dool c、doll三、选出下面单词中不同类的一项。(10分)( )1、 a 、pear b、 orange c、rice( )2、 a 、cat b、 noodles c、meat( )3、 a、cat b、tiger c、milk( )4、 a、swim b、song c、skip( )5、 a、tall b、like c、small四、根据括号的汉语用正确的形式填空(10分)1、they are (苹果)2、it’s a (狮子)3、it’s elephant.(一个)4、_______ (传递)me a banana .5、it’s a abc_______ (歌曲)。五、选择(20分)1、my favourite toy(玩具) is a .a、car b、books c、kite2、----how many kites? ----- a、it’s a car b、ten c、it’s red 3、it’s elephant.a、 a b、 an c、the4、-----wtat are they? ----- a、it’s a kite b、they is kites c、they are kites5、i don’t like my *kes.a、ride b、riding c、rides6、they don’t like .a、my b、i c、me7、lingling (不喜欢)肉。a、likes b、don’t like c、doesn’t like8、dose lingling like pears ?___________________a、no,she does. b、yes, i does . c、no,she doesn’t.9、_____ you like apples ?a、do b、don’t c、does10、------ your farourite song? -------- it’s the abc song.a、what b、where’s c、what’s六、连词成句(14分)1、skipping like i don’t (.) 2、like football you do (?) 3、favourite a my is colour red (.) 4、does amy like rice?(写出汉语) 5、 amy is home at (.) 6、写出四种动物名称 七、 对应词连线。(10分) small tall thin your girl

short *g fat boy my八、根据短文,判断句子的正误。(10分)

my name is daming.i’m eight years old .i like swimming and playing football,but i don’t like skipping. my friend ,sam likes playing basketball and skipping ,but he doesn’t like morning exercises .oh,we both like riding *kes.daming is eight.( )daming likes football. ( )sam doesn’t like morning exercises. ( )sam is daming’s friend. ( )daming and sam like riding *kes. ( )

