外研版二年级英语下册期中考试卷 二年级下册外研版英语

2023-09-05 12:00:32 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、选不同类单词1 a weatherb rainc sunny2 a radiob writec draw3 a pictureb photoc drink4 a catchb skipc kid5 a sunnyb capc windy


一、选不同类单词1.a.weatherb.rainc.sunny2.a.radiob.writec.draw3.a.pictureb.photoc.drink4.a.catchb.skipc.kid5.a.sunnyb.capc.windy二、根据汉语选单词1. 街道a.stoneb.noisec.street2. 写a.writeb.letterc.*3. 科学a.secretb.sciencec.card4. 花a.drinkb.flowerc.behind5.晚的,迟的a.talkb.likec.late三、单选1. --______is my cap? ---it’s over there.a.whatb.where2.______is the weather like?a.whatb.where3. it’s summer.the weather is______.a.hotb.cold4. look______my photos, sam.a.atb.on5. ----is he tidying his room? --- ______, he isn’t.a.ye*.no6. ---are you doing your homework? ---yes, i______ .a.amb.do7. ---what’s the dog doing? ---the dog is______ .a.swimb.swimmin*. ---can i play with them? --- ______ .a.of course, you can.b.you’re welcome.9. lingling is ______ .a.skipb.skipping10. ---do you like clapping *s? --- ______ .a.yes, he does.b.yes, i do.

