二年级下册英语期末试卷 二年级下册英语期末试卷译林版2

2023-09-07 04:30:31 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言听力部分(60%)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10%)( ) 1 a black b brown c white( ) 2 a hop b dog c


听力部分(60%)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10%)( ) 1. a. black b. brown c. white( ) 2. a. hop b. dog c. cat( ) 3. a. ship b. bus c. fish( ) 4. a. eat b. do c.drink( ) 5. a. egg b. nice c. lion( ) 6. a. cold b. cool c. cat( ) 7. a. fish b. chicken c. cool( ) 8. a. train b.car c. ship( ) 9. a. watch b. water c. snake( ) 10. a. hear b. smell c. park二、听录音,选出句子所缺的单词。(10%)( ) 1.this is my . a. dress b. shorts( ) 2.i hear a . a. car b.bus( ) 3. it’ is . a..winter b.autumn( ) 4. i like . a. running b. hopping( ) 5. i have a . a. sweater b.coat三、听句子,圈出正确的单词。(10%)1. what colour are they /is it?2. i like salad / fish.3. it is warm / cool.4. can you play cards / football?5. i can see a train / ship.四、听录音,在正确的图片上打“√”。(10%) 五、听句子,与录音内容一致的打“√”,不一致的打“×”。(10%)( )1. what can you see?( )2. do you like flying?( )3. i can see a plane.( )4. we sing and dance.( )5. what colour is the dress?六、听录音,选择答句。(10%)( )1. what are they? a. it’s green.( )2. what colour is it? b. they’re red.( )3. what colour are they? c. they’re giraffes( )4. what can you see? d. it’s a peach.( )5. what is it? e. i see a car.笔试部分(20%)七、为下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。(10%)( )1. wintera.颜色 b.冬天 c.秋天( )2. snakea.好吧 b.大象 c.蛇( )3. reda.唱 b.红色的 c.粉红色( )4. yellowa.紫色的 b.黑色的 c.*的( )5. shipa.飞机 b.轮船 c.卡车( )6. cara.小汽车 b.公共汽车 c.等待( )7. watcha.水 b.手表 c.售货员( )8. coloura.颜色 b.蓝色 c.白色( )9. heara.听 b.说 c.闻到( )10. fisha.猫 b. 鱼 c.一些八、中配英,连连线。(10%)1. fruita.放风筝2. smellb.玩具店3. elephant c.水果4. toy shop d.闻到5. fly a kite e.大象

