2017小学二年级上册英语期末练习题 2017小学二年级上册

2023-09-07 06:45:35 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言a听力部分(80分)一、听音选出你所听到选项。(4)( ) 1 a toy b small c time( ) 2 a go to school b go home c have


a听力部分(80分)一、听音选出你所听到选项。(4)( ) 1. a.toy b. small c. time( ) 2. a.go to school b.go home c. have lunch( ) 3. a. ship b. plane c. train( ) 4. a. maths b. chinese c. science( ) 5. a.winter b. summer c. autumn二、listen and number.这些图片被弄乱了,让我们来整理整理吧,听音标号。(12)christmas sweater spring train dumpling chinese( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、根据你听到的字母顺序重新排列下列字母(10)cc ff mm oo uu zz tt kk ww xx四、听音标号(12)五、听音连线(18)watch tv shoes train englishgo home play football get up go to school have lunch*://www.060s. com六、听音判断对错,打√ 或画×(5)七、听音,看图,选择正确的句子,打√ (10)1. a. christmas is in winter.b. it’s cool in winter.2、 a. he reads books at ten o’clock.b. she reads books at the weekend.3. a. i have english at el*n o’clock.b. i have maths at ten o’clock.4. a. i get up at s*n o’clock.b. i go to bed at six o’clock.5. a. we wear shirts in winter.b. we wear sweaters in autumn.八、听音选择正确的答句,将序号写在括号内(10)1.( )what do you like? a. yes,we do.2.( )does he like swimming? b. i like toy panda.3.( )what’s the time? c. no,he doesn’t.4.( )is it 8 o’clock? d. it’s half past 7.5.( )do we have maths at school? e. no,it isn’t.笔试部分(20分)一、 按照顺序抄写以下字母,要求书写规范(大、小写)(10)hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq二、把句子和相对应的图片连起来。10’1. sam goes swimming at weekend.2. lingling likes music.3. daming plays basketball.4. mingming watches tv.5. i have lunch at 12:00.

