小学三年级下册期中英语测试题 小学三年级英语期中测试卷

2023-09-08 20:31:43 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言成绩同学们, 准备好了吗?听力就要开始了, 注意力可要集中哦!听力大*(50分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语,将序号


成绩_______同学们, 准备好了吗?听力就要开始了, 注意力可要集中哦!听力大*(50分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语,将序号填在题前的括号内,听两遍。(20分)( )1. a. watch b. tape c. camera( )2. a. four b. four* c. friend( )3. a. mother b.father c. brother( )4. a. super* b.school c. nice( )5. a. this b. that c. is( )6. a. coffee b. crayon c. stapler( )7. a. camera b. com*r c. walkman( )8. a. aunt b. son c. uncle( )9. a. come here b. come in c. come on( )10.a. 9-7 b.19-7 c. 9 7三、录音内容和图意相符吗?请画上相应的笑脸或哭脸。(10分)(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)四、你能根据所听到的时间画出相应的钟面吗?听两遍。(10分)11①②③④⑤五、哟,图片全乱了!请你根据所听到的内容将它们重新排列吧。(10分)听力部分完成得不错吧,请认真做下面的题目!笔试部分(50分)一、a、你能在图下写出相应的单词吗?(10分)二、读一读,根据图片 选出句子中出现的单词,a还是 b?(10分)( )1. what‘s that in english?it’s a crayon. a. b.( )2. is this a com*r?yes, it is. a. b.( )3. what‘s the time?it’s nine o‘clock. a. b.( )4. what’s el*n plus four?it‘s fif*. a. b.( )5. how many rubbers can you see?eight. a. b..三、你能读懂下面的英文句子吗?请给中英文配对后填上序号。(12分)( )1 .may i come in? a. 我们一起看电视,好吗?( )2.what’s the time, liu tao? b. 你现在可以回家了。( )3. what a nice camera! c. 我可以进来吗?( )4. you can go home now. d. 多么漂亮的照相机呀!( )5. shall we watch tv? e. 我们现在去上学吧!( )6. let‘s go to school now. f. 刘涛,几点了?四、你能根据情景选择*适当的表达吗?请将序号填在题前的括号内。(10分)( )1、当你想叫别人过来时,你说:a. come in, please. b. come here, please. c. excuse me.( )2、别人夸奖你的衣服很漂亮,你应该说:a. thank you. b. yes, it is. c. no, it isn’t.( )3、通过别人的回答,你弄明白了,你应说:a. that‘s all right. b. oh, i see. c. thank you.( )4、你现在可以看电视。应这样说:a. you can watch tv. b. shall we watch tv? c. you can watch tv now.( )5、她是格林夫人。应这样说:a. she’s miss green. b. she‘s mrs green. c. she’s mr green.五、试试看,看图选择合适的单词写在横线上,完成下列对话。(8分)1、what‘s (this ; that) in english?it’s a ( storybook; stapler).can i have a (look; book)?sure, here _______(you; your) are.2、 (that‘s ; what’s) the time?it‘s ( twelve; el*n).it’s time to (go home; have lunch).ok. ______(let‘s; let’s) go.

