
2023-09-08 21:00:38 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言听力部分一、 选出你所听到的单词或句子。(10分)( ) 1、a、door b、blackboard c、dog( ) 2、a、hi b、bye c、i( ) 3、a、it


听力部分一、 选出你所听到的单词或句子。(10分)( ) 1、a、door b、blackboard c、dog( ) 2、a、hi b、bye c、i( ) 3、a、it b、is c、sit( ) 4、a、cat b、red c、black( ) 5、a、clesk b、stand c、and( ) 6、a、panda b、please c、point( ) 7、a、cat b、cap c、clesk( ) 8、a、point to the door b、point to a door c、point to a desk( ) 9、a、please sit down b、please stand up c、sit down,please( ) 10、a、it’s a black dog b、it’s a red cat c、it’s a yellow cap二、听音,标序号。(10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )笔试部分一、请按顺序写出学过的英文字母的大小写形式(10分)二、判断下列各组单词是否属同一类,属同一类打“√”,不是同一类的打“×”(5分)( )1. *rd dog panda( ) 2. twelve six nine( ) 3. door window cat( ) 4. book pencil red( ) 5. yellow green blue三.将下列单词与其汉语意思搭配起来,把序号写在题前括号中。(5分)( )many a.你( )you b.早晨( )red c.黑色的( )black d.许多( )morning e.红色的四、选择正确的单词写在四线三格内。(10分)el*n cap girl window dog五、根据句意选择合适的单词,把序号填在括号中。(10分)a. point b.ms c. up d. name e. blue( )1. my _________is li ping.( )2. __________ to the desk, please.( )3. it’s a __________ chair.( )4. stand _______, please.( )5. hello, i’m _________ smart.六、单选项择,把正确答案的序号写在题前括号中。(10分)( ) 1. --- good morning.--- _________________.a. good morning b. good afternoon( ) 2. – good bye, amy.- __________ .a. hello b. bye-bye( ) 3. --- ____________________?--- i’m fine, thank you.a. what’s your name b. how are you( ) 4. i’m ________ panda.a. a b. an( ) 5. my ___________ mimi.a. name b. name is( )6.lily:i am a girl.amy: i am a girl,_______.a.two b. too( ) 7.daming:how _______ boys?amy:el*n.a. many b. much( )8. — ________?—i’m panpana.what’s your name? b.bye( )9. this is _______ cap.a. you b. your( )10. point _______ the door,please.a.up b.to七.看图,写序号。(把正确答案的序号写在题前括号中)(10分)1、( ) a. five2、( ) b. three3、( ) c. four4、( ) d.six5. ( ) e.eight八.情景交际,把正确答案的序号写在题前括号中。(10分)( )1.你的老师上午上课时,是这样向你们问好的:a.good morning. b.good afternoon .( )2..你想让sam指一指门,你应该这样说:a.point to the desk. b.point to the door.( )3*买了一些苹果,你想知道有多少个,就可以这样问:a.how many? b.how old ?( )4..英语课上,当你回答完老师的问题,老师会说:a.stand up,please. b.sit down,please.( )5.当别人送给你礼物时,你会非常有礼貌地说:a.i’m fine,thanks. b.thank you.( )6.当你用英语说:“我有一把尺子。”你应说:a. i have a pencil b. i’m going to school c.i have a ruler( )7.当别人给你东西时你应说:a. here you are . b. thank you . c. you’re welcome( )8.当教师节来临,你要祝老师节日快乐时,你应说:a. happy halloween b. happy teachers’ day! c.happy *rthday!( )9.下面哪个是中国的国旗?( )10.如果你喜欢蓝色,你应说:a. i like blue b.i like九.字母连线(10分)1.将第一行大写字母相对应的小写字母连线。(5分)b d e f g i j l k rd b f e i g l j r k2.将第一行小写字母相对应的大写字母连线。(5分)m n w u o q p a y cn m u w q o a p c y三年级听力材料一.选出你所听到的单词或句子。(每小题读一遍)1. blackboard 2 i 3 it 4 cat 5 stand 6 point 7 cat8 point to the door 9 sit down,please 10 it’s a black dog二、听音,标序号。(每小题2遍)1 *rd 2 door 3 blackboard 4 girl 5 cat6 boy 7 desk 8 dog 9 window 10 chair

