牛津英语三年级上学期期中考试卷 牛津英语三年级上册单

2023-09-08 21:45:09 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、选不同类单词1 a yellowb redc pen2 a blueb orangec face3 a noseb pencilc bag4 a legb armc black5 a rulerb pencil boxc body二


一、选不同类单词1.a.yellowb.redc.pen2.a.blueb.orangec.face3.a.noseb.pencilc.bag4.a.legb.armc.black5.a.rulerb.pencil boxc.body二、单选1. ----goodbye, miss white___.a.bye, sarah!b.ok!2.----what’s your name? --------___.a.my name is sarah.b.goodbye, sarah!3. i have a book.-----___!a.hello!b.me too!4.----let’s play ____!a.byeb.ok5. i have a ____ (铅笔).she has a __(钢笔).a.pencil pencilb.pencil pen三、情景选择1.你第一次认识mike,感到十分高兴,跟他说“见到你很高兴”,你应该这样说:a.nice to meet you.b.good afternoon.2.john说:“i have a pencil.”你也有一支pencil,你可以说:a.my name’s bai ling.b.me too.3.早上见到老师应该说:a.good morning.b.good afternoon4.当你写错字时,你*需要什么文具?a.a rulerb.an eraser5.向别人介绍自己的朋友时,可以说:a.this is mike .b.i’m mike .6.当你想询问别人的身体状况时,可以问:a.how are you ?b.i’m fine ,thank you .7.老师请你拍手,用英语该这样说:a.clap your hands.b.shake your body.8.sarah是班长,老师走进教室准备上课,她应该这样说:a.sit down.b.stand up.9.我国国旗的颜色是:a.red and whiteb.red and yellow10.当你和别人说再见时,你应该说:a. goodbye!b. i’m fine. thank you.四、判断,正确t错误flook at this photo (照片).this woman is my mother .she is 36 .this man is my father.he is 37.this girl is my sister.she is 11 .the little boy is me.i am 6.i love them .and they love me very much .1. this woman is mother . ()2. i am six .()3. my mother is 37. ()4. my father is 36.()5. there are four people in my family.()

