
2023-09-09 18:45:45 666阅读 投稿:网友


i.根据英语选相对应的图片或根据汉语选单词。(10分)( )1. hamburger a. b. c. ( )2. coke a. b. c. ( )3. balloon a. b. c. ( )4. doll a. b. c. ( )5. boat a. b. c. ( )6. monkey a. b. c. ( )7. elephant a. b. c. ( )8. eight a. b. c. ( )9. 棕色的 a. black b. brown c. blue( )10. 橡皮 a. eraser b. crayon c. sharpenerii.选择正确的答案。(16分)( ) 1. look the cat.

a. for b. at c. to( ) 2. happy *rthday you. a. to b. two c. too( ) 3. touchnose.a. you b. me c. your( ) 4. let’s the *rthday cake. a. have b. eat c. cat( ) 5. i have a cake? a. are b. am c. can( ) 6. you’re. a. come b. welcome c. to( ) 7. the plate is the middle. a. on b. in c. at( ) 8. —let’s go to school. —. a. ok b. thank you c. byeiii.选出每组不同类的单词。(10分)()1. a. milk b. tea c. coke d. cat()2. a. boat b. balloon c. red d. ball()3. a. eight b. ear c. ten d. one()4. a. duck b. pig c. elephant d. hot dog()5. a. coke b. cake c. bread d. hamburgeriv.读一读,选一选。(10分)

( )1.你想吃汉堡包时,你应说: a. give me some hamburgers. b. can i have some hamburgers? c. do you like hamburger?( )2.别人跟你说“thank you”时你应说: a. you’re welcome. b. no,thanks. c. thank you,too.( )3.当你想知道别人的年龄时,应该问: a. how are you? b. what’s your name? c. how old are you?( )4.你向同学祝贺生日时,你应说: a. happy new year. b. happy *rthday to you. c. happy teachers’ day.( )5.当你向朋友表示问候时,应该说: a. how old are you? b. how are you? c.how many balloons?v.数字运算。(10分)1. six―one= 2. six÷two=____3. s*n+three= 4. five×two=____5. nine÷three= 6. eight÷four=____7. ten―four= 8.one+nine=____9. three×two= 10. s*n×one=____vi.连词成句。(20分)1. a look i may have

2. chicken can have i some

3. are you here

4. old are you how

5. cake this is for you

vii.将这个对话按正确的表达顺序重新排列。(7分)( )have some french fries.( )thank you very much.( )ok.here you are.( )thank you.( )i like french fries.( )can i have some cakes,please?( )what do you like?viii.从ii栏选出i栏各句的应答语。(7分)i ii( )1. how old are you,mike? a.nice to meet you,too.( )2. happy new year! b. i like coffee.( )3. have some orange juice,please. c. no,thanks.i like tea.( )4. how many kites? d. me too.( )5. what do you like? e. ten.( )6. i have a yellow pencil? f. happy new year!( )7. nice to meet you. g. i’m 12

x.写出下列字母大小写。(10分)d a p b f e n u q m a n d b u m q f p e 【篇二】

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 (10分)( ) 1. a. door b. window c. blackboard ( ) 2. a. four b. five c. nine ( ) 3. a. this b. that c. what ( ) 4. a. kite b. nice c. know ( ) 5. a. arm b. leg c. foot 二、根据所听内容选择图片(勾选你认为正确的图片下的字母)。(10分) c三、听录音,根据你听到的内容先后,给下面的图片排序(1--5)。(10分) ( ) () () () ()四、听录音,根据听到的内容,勾选a或b。(10分)1. 2. a b a b3. 4.3 4=7 4 7=11a ba b

a b五、听录音,判断图片与所听内容是否相符,相符的打“√”, 不相符的打“×”。 (10分)

笔试部分(共五题, 计50分)六、选择你认为正确的词填空,完成句子或对话。(10分) ( )1. this is teacher. a. i b. my ( )2. this is my father and a policeman. a. it’s b. he’s ( )3. a: what’s this? b: a desk. a. it’s b. this is ( )4. a: how are you?b: i’m el*n. a. old b. many( )5. a: what’s your name? b: name is panpan. a. my b. your. 七. 选出每组单词中不同类别的一个。(10分)( )1. a. yellow b. brown c. colour d. green( )2. a. *rd b. cat c. panda d. kite( )3. a. grandma b. famer c. nurse d. teacher ( )4. a. book b. ball c. pen d. pencil( )5. a. arm b. good c. foot d. leg八. 读句子,选择正确的应答。(10分)( )1. what’s your name? a. thank you.( )2. how many girls? b. it’s a chair.( )3. happy *rthday! c. nine. x kb1 .co m( )4. what’s that? d. amy.( )5. where’s the cat? e. it’s in the tree.九、根据句意选择合适的单词,把序号填在括号中。(10分) a. point b.ms c. up d. name e. blue ( )1. my _________is li ping. ( )2. __________ to the desk, please.( )3. it’s a __________ chair.( )4. stand _______, please.( )5. hello, i’m _________ smart.十、情景反映(10分) ( )1. 当你想问别人叫什么名字时,你会说: a. what’s your name? b. how are you ?( )2.有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学?a. how are you? b. here you are. ( )3.你想知道*在哪,应该问:a. where is my brother? b. where is my sister? ( )4. 当别人对你说"happy *rthday!"时,你应该说a. happy *rthday. b. thank you. ( )5. 你想向别人介绍你的*,你应该说: a. this is my mother. b. what’s my mother. 【篇三】

听力部分一、 听音标号。(5分) walk park autumn eat plane( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听一听,连一连。(12分) 1. it's warm.

2. it's cold..

it's cool .

4. it's hot .

三、认真听,请为他们选出正确的交通工具,并将单词其圈出来。(12分) 1. i go to school by bus / car .2. i go to work by train / *ke .3. she goes to school by plane / ship.4. my father goes to work by *ke / bus.5.amy goes to the zoo by taxi / bus6.i walk / work to the farm. 四、请为下面的各个季节找到其相应应穿的衣服并用线连接起来。(8分)1. spring we wear t-shirts . 2. summer we wear jackets . 3. autumn we wear coats and gloves . 4. winter we wear sweaters .



二、 将左右两边的单词连接起来使其组成一个短语。(10分)go to holiday listen to books

at the work play cds

have weekend read football

on flute watch home

play the lunch go tv

三、选择,请将正确的答案前的序号写在前面的括号内。(12分)x|k |b| 1 . c| o |m( ) 1) we ¬ ______ wear jackets. a not b doesn't c don't( ) 2) . i like summer .it’s________. a warm b hot c cold ( ) 3) i go ______ train . a by b on c for ( ) 4) i play football _____ 7 o'clock _____ the afternoon. a at , at b at , in c in , in

( ) 5) it _______ autumn . a is b a c does

( ) 6) ______ he go to school by car ? a do b is c does

四、请为下面的问句找到合适的答句,并连接起来。(10分)1) where do you live ? i play football.

2) doe she like football? yes , she does .

3) what do you do at the weekend ? i live in dalian . 4) where do you play ping-pong ? i walk to school .

5) how do you go to school ? at the park

五、按下列单词的首字在字母表中的位置为它们排序。(5分)jug art teddy rab*t vase ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

听力答案:一、听音标号。(5分)park autumn eat walk plane

二、听一听,连一连。(12分)1.in spring , it's warm.2.in autumn ,it's cool. 3.in summer , it's hot .4.in winter , it's cold .三、认真听,请为他们选出正确的交通工具,并将其圈出来。(12分)1.i go to school by bus 2.i go to work by train 3.she goes to school by plane4,my father goes t o walk by *ke.5.amy goes to the zoo by taxi 6.i walk to the farm.

四、请为下面的各个季节找到其相应应穿的衣服并用线连接起来。(8分)1.it’s spring , we wear jackets .2 it’s summer we wear t-shirts .3.it’s autumn , . we wear sweaters . 4. it’s winter , we wear coats and gloves .

