冀教版三年级英语上册期末仿真卷 冀教版三年级英语下册

2023-09-09 21:00:40 666阅读 投稿:网友



一、 写出下列字母的左邻右舍,注意大小写。(10分)

e_____g h________j l______n d_____f c______e

g______i b____ d r______t x______z o______q

二、 选择字母,组成正确的单词。(10分)

( )1.___pple (苹果) a.o b.e c.a

( )2.b__y (男孩) a.a b.o c.e

( )3.__oor (门) a.d b.p c.q

( )4.t__n (十) a.e b.a c.o

( )5.__ellow(*) a.x b.y c.z

三、 算一算,选一选。(10分)

( )1.two five=_____ a. s*n b.two c.six

( )2.one three=_____ a.five b.four c.three

( )3.s*n-six=_____ a.s*n b.one c.five

( )4.eight-three=_____ a.one b.three c.five

( )5.one nine=_____ a.ten b.one c.nine

四、 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)

( )1.a.one b. pencil c. crayon

( )2.a.teacher b. boy c. school

( )3..a.blue b.yellow c. girl

( )4.a. i b.her c.he

( )5. a. ruler b.four c.one

五、 选择题。(20分)

1. what's your name? .

a. hello b. my name is li ming c. hi

2. how are you?

a. hello! b. thank you. c. i'm fine,thanks.

3. what's this? it's a .

a. book b. boy c. girl

4. nice to meet you.

a. how are you? b. hi! c. nice to meet you, too.

5. good-bye.

a. hi! b. hello! c.see you later!

6.--- how many books do you have? ---i have .

a. pen b. three c. thanks

7. what colour is it? .

a. yellow b. six c. thanks

8. the door.

a. open b. three c. chairs

9. the window.

a. fine b. close c. two

10. this is a .

a. boy b. pink c. thanks

六、从 i栏中找出与ii栏相对应的汉语解释。(10分)

i ii

( )1.what's her name? a. 回头见!

( )2.i have no books. b.很高兴见到你

( )3.see you later! c.这是詹妮。

( )4.his name is liming. d.我没有书。

( )5.nice to meet you. e.他的名字教李明。


( )1.当你想询问别人的姓名时,应说:______________

a.my name is danny. b.what's your name?

( )2.与他人初次见面时,应说:__________________

a.good bye b.nice to meet you

( )3.当你想把你的朋友王红介绍给别人认识时,你应说:______

a. this is my friend wang hong. b.how are you?

( )4.你想让别人关上门,你可以说:_____________

a. close the door,please. b.close the door,please.

( )5.你想知道李明的铅笔是什么颜色的,应说____________

a.how many pens do you have? b.what colour is your pen?


1. ① friend ②is ③my ④he


2. ① meet ②nice ③you ④to


3. ① her ②what's ③name


4. ① you ②how ③are


