北师大版小学三年级上册英语期末测试卷 北师大版数学三

2023-09-10 15:00:47 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言听力部分 (40%)ⅰ听录音,圈一圈,读两遍。10%① b d f ② n l r ③ o q c ④ c o g ⑤ m b f⑥ r k h ⑦ p d


听力部分 (40%)ⅰ听录音,圈一圈,读两遍。10%① b d f ② n l r ③ o q c ④ c o g ⑤ m b f⑥ r k h ⑦ p d q ⑧ d g b ⑨ q a f ⑩ p m iⅱ听录音,标序号,读两遍。10%( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )ⅲ听录音,选一选,读两遍。10%( )① a. what’s your name? b. good morning.( )② a. hello, my name’s ann. b. hello, i’m mocky.( )③ a. this is uncle booky. b. this is lulu leopard.( )④ a. kick the ball. b. peter, pass the ball.( )⑤ a. that’s my sister. b. that’s my aunt.ⅳ听录音,标序号,读三遍。10%( )this is my sister, kate.( )this is my grandfather. this is my grandmother.( )i’m ann. this is my family. this is me.( )this is my father. this is my mother.( )this is my brother, ken.笔试部分(60%)ⅰ 在格子上规范书写字母给出的字母及其大小写字母。15%① q ② f ③m④ r ⑤ yⅱ看图从括号中选出所缺字母,并填在适当的位置。10%(p, s, h, c, d)__at __og __at __nake __andaⅲ选择与单词意思一致的图,将答案填入括号。10%( )① applea. b.( )② jeepa. b.( )③ booka. b.( )④ cata. b.( )⑤ deera. b.ⅳ看图选择适当的单词,将序号填入括号内。15%( )① my name’s ________.a. ken b. lily( )② this is my friend, ______.a. ann b. mocky( )③ ____ is from china.a. she b. he( )④ _________!a. hello b. goodbye( )⑤ this is ____ *ke.a. his b. herⅴ选择与句子相符的图。10%a. b.c. d.( )① good morning. my name is cathy.( )② this is danny deer.( )③ he’s my brother. that’s his *ke.( )④ this isn’t a book. it’s a ruler.

