最新小学英语三年级上册期末测试题 pep小学英语三年级下

2023-09-10 19:30:19 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、找出不同类的单词(20分)( )1 a cat b dog c red( )2 a blue b green c bear( )3 a pen b it c pencil( )



( )1. a.cat b.dog c.red( )2. a.blue b.green c.bear( )3. a.pen b.it c.pencil( )4. a.eye b.pig c.foot( )5. a.*rd b.duck c.orange( )6. a.bay b.black c.white()7. a.orange b.brown c.pen( )8. a.green b.crayon c.pen( )9 a.book b.ruler c.red( )10. a.hello b.dog c.duck二、给下列单词选择正确的汉字意思(20分)

( )1.coke a.蛋糕 b.可乐 c.你好( )2.rice a.食物 b.比赛 c.米饭( )3.book a.书包 b.书 c.蓝色( )4.yellow a.蜡笔 b.蓝色 c.*( )5.red a.红色 b.橙色 c.鸭子( )6.see a.黑色 b.绿色 c.看见( )7.apple a.棕色 b.苹果 c.白色( ) 8.dog a.狗 b.杯子 c.鸭子( )9.pencil a.钢笔 b.铅笔盒 c.铅笔( )10.eraser a.尺子 b.橡皮 c.蜡笔三、单项选择(20分)

( )1.it′s an________ .

a.elephant b.bear c.monkey( ) 2.let′s go to school.________

a.thank you. b.bye﹗ c.ok﹗( ) 3.what′s your name?________

a.my name′smike b.this is mike c.nice to meet you mike.( ) 4.how are you?________

a.how are you. b.i′m fine thank you. c.hi( ) 5.good afternoon chen jie.________

a.good morning john. b.goodbye john. c.good afthernoon, john( ) 6.nice to meet you.________

a.nice to meet you. b.nice to meet , you too c.good morning( ) 7.show________ blue.

a.i b.my c.me( ) 8.look at________ .

a.me b.i c.my( )9.i like milk.________

a.me too b.bye c.ok( ) 10.how old are you?________

a.i′m kate b.i′m ten c.i′m fine四、情景交际(20分)

( )1.别人向你打招呼说他叫john,他应说

a.hello,john b.goodbye, john. c.hi, i′m john.( ) 2.新的学期到了,你想知道同桌的名字,应说

a.what′s your name? b.who′s there c.my name is lily( ) 3.放学了,你要和老师说再见,你应说

a.hello ,mr black. b.goodbye.mrblacck c.i′m mrblack( ) 4.你看到了amy,想问她*近怎么样,你应说

a.what′s your name? b.nice to meet you. c.how are you amy?( ) 5.你初次见到某人很高兴,你应说

a.nice to meet you. b.how are you? c.my name is xiaoming( ) 6.*问你想要什么,你告诉她想要一些鱼时应说

a.i like fish b.can i have some fish.please﹗ c.i′d like some fish.( ) 7.同学让你喝果汁时,他会说

a.have some water b.have some juice c.i′d like some juice( ) 8.你想问*自己可以吃冰淇淋吗?应说

a.can i have a coke? b.can i have some icecream c.i′d like some icecream.( ) 9.你想跟别人说:“请给我拿这个,”你应说

a.whice one , please? b.eat the please. c.this one please.( )10.你想让别人切蛋糕时,应说

a.cut the cake b.eat the cake. c.have some cakes五、我是小小诊断家(10分)

( )1.have some waters.


( ) 2.i′d likes some bread.


( ) 3.can i has some coke, please?


( ) 4.you is welcome.


( ) 5.eat some breads.



1. 我饿了﹗________________﹗

2. here you are.________________ .

3. 你叫什么名字?________________?

4. i have a crayon .________________

5. nice to meet you . _____________.

