三年级英语上学期期末复习题 三年级下册期末复习题

2023-09-10 21:00:37 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言三年级英语上学期期末复习题一、翻译下列词组1 我的好看的帽子 nice 2 一个新的娃娃 doll3


三年级英语上学期期末复习题一、翻译下列词组1. 我的好看的帽子 ________ nice _________ 2. 一个新的娃娃 ______ ________doll3. 一个冰激凌 _________ ice cream 4. 那个蛋糕 _________ ________5. 一辆玩具汽车 _______ toy ________ 6. 给我 _________ me7. 这条橙色的裙子_______ orange ________ 8. 一位* a _________ friend9. 看… _________ at 10. 一顶红色的帽子 _______ ________ ___________11. 新年 ________ _________ 12. 这辆新的小汽车 ________ __________ _______13. 那个机器人 ________ robot 14. 黑白相间 _________ ______ _________15. 新年快乐!_________ ________ ________! 16. 给我的* ________my father17. 一个绿色的鸡蛋 ______ _________ _________ 18. 下午好! _________ afternoon!19. 这是给你的。________ ________ ________ ________.x20. 一个橙色的球 ______ _________ ball 21. 我的* my ________ friend22. 一个橙子 ______ ___________ 23. 父*__________ ______ __________24. 遇见你 __________ _________ 25. 他还是她 _________ or __________26. 生日快乐!_________ *rthday! 27. 姐弟__________ ________ ___________28. a yellow ball _________________ 29. what colour ____________________30. what about ____________________ 31. this red doll ____________________32. that nice robot ____________________ 34. my new skirt ______________________二、选出与例词同类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. he’s a. i’m b. it c. she( ) 2. nice a. green b. how c. great( ) 3. miss li a. liu tao b. tina c. tim( ) 4. yes a. am b. not c. no( ) 5. brother a. mother b. grandpa c. grandma( ) 6. he a. my b. are c. she( ) 7. jacket a. skirt b. mother c. me( ) 8. brown a. what b. colour c. black( ) 9. morning a. at b. goodbye c. *ning( ) 10. hot dog a. skirt b. pie c. cap三年级英语上学期期末复习题一、选择题( )1. would you like _________?a. ice cream b. an ice cream c. a ice cream( )2. what's that? _____ a car.a. this is b. it’s c. that’s( )3. this is _____ orange chair.a. a b. / c. an( )4. is it your cake? _____a. yes, it isn’t b. no, it isn’t c. no, it is.( )5. this is ______egg and that is _____ cd.a. an, a b. a, a c. an ,an( )6. would you like an egg? _________.a. yes, i am b. no, i’m not. c. yes, please.( )7. this sweet is _____ you. a. to b. and c.for( )8. look at ____ my cap. a. a b. the c. /( )9. what about an egg? _______________.a. here you are. b. it’s nice. c. yes, please( )10. are you mike? ____________.a. yes, i am. b. yes, you are. c. yes, i’m.( ) 11. a: look at my jacket. b: it’s_______.a. thank you. b. nice. c. please( ) 12.this pie is for youa. thank you. b. it’s nice. c. yes, i am.( ) 13.a:what’s this ? b: it’s an ______ car.a. orange b. blue c. white( ) 14.what about a hot dog ?a. no, please b. it’s white c. yes, please( ) 15.are you liu tao ?a. yes, i am b. no, i’m not c. yes, i’m not( ) 16.________.*rthday! a. happy b. happy c. how( ) 17. ---good morning, mike ---_____________.a. good *ning, mum. b. good morning, mum. c. good afternoon, mum.( ) 18.a:look at my skirt. b: it’s_______.a. thank you. b. it’s nice. c. good bye.( ) 19.this robot is for you. a. thank you. b. it’s nice. c. yes, i am.( ) 20. hello, are you mike? yes, _______.a. i’m not b. i am c. he is( )21. ——hello, sam. ——____________a. hi, miss li b. hi, i’m miss li. c. goodbye, miss li.( )22. ——______ is it? ——it’s red.a. what b. what colour c. what’s colour( ) 23. this is tim. ________ my brother.a. he’s b. she’s c. it’s( )24. ——would you like a robot? ——____________a. yes, i am. b. no. it’s a cd. c. no, thank you.( )25. ——this is my father. ——_______________.a. nice to meet you. b. yes, he is. c. thank you.( )26. —— ____________ ——it’s a brown ball.a. what colour is it? b. what’s that? c. are you a robot?( )27. ——happy *rthday!. ——_________.a. happy *rthday!. b. happy new year. c. thank you.( )28. this is ________ egg for you. a. a b. an c. /( )29. what’s this? it’s an _____ car. a. orange b. blue c. white( )30. that’s a _______ a. cap b. egg c. ice cream二、找出下列不同类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内。( )1. a. cap b. skirt c. egg( )2. a. nice b. sweet c. pie( )3. a. you b. i c. my( )4. a. look b. are c. is( )5. a. ice cream b. hot dog c. black( )6. a. cap b. skirt c. doll( )7. a. nice b. great c. car( )8. a. colour b. brown c. red( )9. a. look b. see c. is( )10. a. ice cream b. robot c. ball( )11. a. yang ling b. skirt c. t-shirt( )12. a. good b. great c. wang *ng( )13. a. morning b. afternoon c. nice( )14. a. she’s b. you’re c. he( )15. a. yes b. you c. no( )16. a. mother b. brother c. miss li( )17. a. my b. she c. you( )18. a. father b. mother c. family

