小学六年级清明踏青的英语作文 春天踏青的英语作文小学

2023-10-06 09:22:50 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言4月4日这一天,天气晴朗,气温不高也不低,正好是踏青的好日子。我和外婆一大早出发,去松江郊外踏青。on the day of april 4th,


_on the day of april 4th, the weather is sunny, the temperature is not high not low, it is a good day for an outing. starting with my grandmother in the countryside to songjiang early in the morning.


_the air is really fresh ah! i see a yellow flowers of rape, i asked my grandmother: "rape is doing what it is to eat?" she answered: "the rape of the rapeseed mustard oil can." so i just pick a few rape, i tried to *te the rape root, wow, the original root moisture rape so much! she quickly said: "the rape of the root to eat but not eat, otherwise it will poisoning. "


_walked, we saw the opening is bright beautiful peach, peach blossom! peach blossom in full bloom like the smiling faces of children, fragrant and sweet, i really like the peach blossom spring! there is a river, peach trees on the side of kawazu kiyoshi, a group of ducks swimming in the river, like in the *. we walked along the river, and go to the edge of a piece of wheat, i asked my grandmother: "wheat is doing what?" grandmother said: "the wheat into flour can play, you eat steamed buns and noodles are made from wheat." i looked at the green of the wheat seedling to, the original green seedlings can also play into a white flour, nature is really amazing!


_the day passed quickly, and i was happy to go home, i want to go home to tell mom and dad i see, smell, hear the beautiful nature.

