once upon a time, the son of brahmadatta was ruling righteously(正直地,公正地) in benares, in northern india. it came to pass(实现,发生) that the king of kosala made war, killed the king of benares, and made the queen become his own wife.
meanwhile, the queen’s son escaped by sneaking1 away through the sewers2(下水道) . in the countryside he *ntually raised a large army and surrounded the city. he sent a message to the king, the murderer of his father and the hu*and of his mother. he told him to surrender the kingdom or fight a battle.
the prince’s mother, the queen of benares, heard of this threat from her son. she was a gentle and kind woman who wanted to pr*nt violence and suffering and killing3. so she sent a message to her son — “there is no need for the risks of battle. it would be wiser to close *ry entrance to the city. *ntually the lack of food, water and firewood(柴火,木柴) will wear down(磨损,使疲劳) the citizens. then they will give the city to you without any fighting.”
the prince decided4 to follow his mother’s wise advice. his army blockaded the city for s*n days and nights. then the citizens captured their unlawful king, cut off his head, and delivered it to the prince. he entered the city triumphantly5 and became the new king of benares.
the moral is: kind advice is wise advice.