素材,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!_1. all year round 一年到头、终年
_例句: we’ve made certain arrangements so that there can be flowers of different colors all year round.
_2. the s*n year itch 七年之痒
_例句:is there so-called the s*n year itch between two friends?
_3. put years on 使某人觉得(显得)老些
_例句:being tired and unhappy put years on him.
_4. be light years away from something 遥不可及,或指两个事物截然不同、差别很大
_例句:righteous punishment is a thousand light years away from r*nge.
_5. getting on in years 上了年纪
_例句:he is a person who is getting on in years.
_6. ring in the new year 新年前夕喜迎新年
_例句:we ring in the new year with the church bells.