一、i can smile a little * sing a little * feel a little *.全因为你,说好了要为幸福,一天天地练习。
二、sometimes,i just need someone to talk to.有时候,我只是需要一个可以说话的人。
三、love understands love; it needs no talk.相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。
四、until now, he do not love me.直到现在才知道,他不爱我。
五、the most affectionate love i imagined is that i live as you used to be after you gone away.我所认为*深沉的爱,莫过于分开以后,我将自己,活成了你的样子。
六、love is not the strong vow but the * accompany .真爱不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。
七、my weakness is that i care too much. ------ 我的弱点就是太在乎了。
八、l love you, but i will n*r tell you.我爱你,但我永远不会告诉你。
九、i love you *n if you know that you don\t have a result.我喜欢你就算知道没结果也很喜欢。
十、faded memories, painful reality.淡了回忆,痛了现实。
十一、i do yes i do, 心相印。
十二、tears are *te.眼泪是天真。
十三、you will n*r understand why i have that mighty proud. 你们永远不懂,我为何拥有不可一世的骄傲。
十四、before you say something to someone , always think about how youd feel if someone told you the same thing在跟别人说话之前,先想想如果别人跟你说同样的话,你会有什么感受。
十五、sometimes the things that seems messed up to *ryone else is whats right for you.有时候,对别人都不适应的方法,对你确是*合适的。
十六、all eyes are on the longing of his body.所有向往的目光都集中在他的身上。
十七、dont worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. 不要为明天忧虑,因为明天自有明天的忧虑。(jesus christ)
十八、true love from the heart not the mouth. 真正的爱来自心脏不是口腔。
十九、six *llion people in the world,six *llion souls.and somtimes,all you need is one.世界上有亿人,亿独立的灵魂;但我们只为一人倾心。古语云,弱水三千,我只取一瓢饮。
二十、love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. 爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。
二十一、loneliness is not the deepest darkness, but you can only see their own.*深的孤独不是一片黑暗,而是你只能看到自己。
二十二、as long as there is tomorrow, today is always the starting line.只要还有明天,今天就永远是起跑线。
二十三、let time to my deep love man.愿时光善待我深爱之人。
二十四、if i was brave outcome is not different. 如果当时我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。
二十五、in may, june, finalizing, each rush thing.五月,曲终人散,六月,各奔东西。
二十六、i love the people i love. 我爱爱我的人。
二十七、we all or a child, for our future too far away.我们都还是小孩,未来对于我们太过遥远。
二十八、forget others faults by remembering your own. 想想自己的错,会忘却别人的过
二十九、do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself.不要向不如你幸福的人说你幸福。
三十、life sucks, but worth fighting for. 有时失去是让你更懂得珍惜。
三十一、the girl who loves laughing, do not let her cry.爱笑的女孩,别让她哭。
三十二、n*r frown, *n when you are sad, because you n*r know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱*的笑容。
三十三、跟女朋友吵架赢的,*后都单身了 跟男朋友吵架赢的,*后都幸福了
三十五、one day we must say goodbye.总有一天我们都要说再见。
三十六、youre the only one who can bring out all sorts of emotions in me.你是唯一一个能让我各种情绪泛滥的人。
三十七、crowded accidentaly across not any*.人潮拥挤,再也不会不期而遇。
三十八、know that i will live in my heart.深知我者才久居我心
三十九、may have to lose.年月把拥有变为失去。