For forest

2023-10-06 09:21:42 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言less than a year after my wife’s funeral i was confronted with the most terrible realities of being a widower

less than a year after my wife’s funeral i was confronted with the most terrible realities of being a widower1 with five children.

notes from school.

field-trip permission slips, pta election ballots2, troll book order forms, sports sign-ups, medical forms and innumerable academic progress reports -- an onslaught of *work courtesy of the educational bureaucracy.

this “literature” has to be read and signed, or placed at the bottom of the *rdcage. regardless of its destination it must be dealt with on a daily basis.

one day, eight-year-old rachel was *ing3 me complete five (count ’em, five) emergency treatment forms for school. she would fill in the generic4 *rmation (name, address, phone number), and i would add the rest (insurance numbers, doctor’s name, date, signature). after signing the forms, i checked them for accuracy. it was then that i noticed on each card, in the slot beside mother’s business phone, rachel had written “1-800-heaven."

