的时候参考。_for a morning rain leave not your trip.
_when dew is on the grass,rain will n*r come to pass.
_fish *te best before a rain.
_when ladybugs swarm,expect a day that’s warm.
_if bees stay at home,rain will soon come.if they fiy away ,fine will be the day
_on cloud nine
_halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.
_when a halo rings around the moon or sun, rain is approaching on the run.
_red sky at night, sailor’s delight.red sky in the morning, sailor’s warning.
_save for a rainy day
_when the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.
_mountains in the morning. fountains in the *ning.
_"早晨天上积雨云, 晚上地下降暴雨
_red sky at night,sailor’sdelight.red sky in the morning,sailor take waring.
_sail close to the wind
_例句:if you beli* what he said, you are sailing close to the wind。
_know which way the wind blows
_例句:he n*r tells his thoughts until he knows which way the wind blows。
_be snowed down
_例句:i've been snowed down by my work!
_white as snow
_例句:the accused didn't comitt the murder,he is as white as snow。