2016年考研英语写作技巧汇总 2016年考研英语二真题

2023-07-28 15:24:50 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言1 lead with your main idea 紧扣中心思想as a general rule, state the main idea of a paragraph in the first

_1. lead with your main idea. 紧扣中心思想

_as a general rule, state the main idea of a paragraph in the first sentence--the topic sentence. don't keep your readers guessing.通常,文章的第一句话就要表达出自己的看法,这也就是所谓的“主题句”。不要让读者去猜想。

_2. vary the length of your sentences.变换句子的长度。

_in general, use short sentences to emphasize ideas. use longer sentences to explain, define, or illustrate ideas.一般来说,使用短句来强调中心思想,使用长句来解释、定义、或者阐述自己的想法。

_3. put key words and ideas at the beginning or end of a sentence.把*和中心放在段落的始句或者尾句。

_don't bury a main point in the middle of a long sentence. to emphasize key words, place them at the beginning or (better yet) at the end.不要让中心埋没在段落中。想要强调*的话就把他们放在起始或者结尾。

_4. vary sentence types and structures.变换句型和结构

_vary sentence types by including occasional questions and commands. vary sentence structures by blending *, compound, and complex sentences.穿插一般疑问句和命令句来变换句型。也可以用简单、复合或者复杂句来增加句子结构的种类。

_5. use active verbs.使用主动动词

_don't overwork the passive voice or forms of the verb "to be." instead, use dynamic verbs in the active voice.不要过度使用"to be"这些被动语态。在主动语态中使用主动动词吧。

_6. use specific nouns and verbs.确切的使用名词和动词

_to convey your message clearly and keep your readers engaged, use concrete and specific words that show what you mean.要想清楚的表达你的想法,让读者明白你的意思,就需要使用具体、确切的词语来表达。

_7. cut the clutter.去除冗杂

_when revising your work, eliminate unnecessary words.当你修改文章的时候,去除那些不需要的词语。

_8. read aloud when you revise.朗读修改

_when revising, you may hear problems (of tone, emphasis, word choice, and syntax) that you can't see. so listen up!当你朗读修改时,你可能听出那些不易于看出来的问题。比如说:语气语调,强调部分,一些词语的选择,句法。所以,仔细听听自己的朗读!

_9. actively edit and proofread.积极的编辑、校对

_it's easy to overlook errors when merely looking over your work. so be on the lookout for common trouble spots when studying your final draft.重读一遍自己的文章就很容易*出错误。当**后的*稿时,请注意那些容易出错的地方。

_10. use a dictionary.使用字典

_when proofreading, don't trust your spellchecker: it can tell you only if a word is a word, not if it's the right word.在校对的时候不要相信那些拼写*。它只能告诉你某个单词的拼写是否正确,不能告诉你这个词是否用对了。

