与外国人交朋友 与外国人交朋友的困难

2023-07-28 15:48:30 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言since i was in primary school, my parents hired a tutor to teach me english, because they knew the importance

since i was in primary school, my parents hired a tutor to teach me english, because they knew the importance of the international language. though i have learned english for many years, i n*r had the chance to talk to the local people. the chance came as i went to high school. the school had a * to promote the communication between countries, so there were some foreign students studied here for a year. i was lucky to become a foreign student's partner. my job was to assist her in solving the daily problems. we talked in english. at first, i was so nervous and spoke very slowly, then my partner encouraged me and she wouldn't correct me. as we communicate *, she taught me some local language, which made me sounded like a local person. this experience is such valuable for me.


