中考英语作文范文及评析:看图作文1 中考英语作文万能模板

2023-07-29 12:48:57 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言【习作要求】看图写话根据所给图示,以"wang leis busy day"为题,写一篇不少于50字的短文,内容必须符合图意,语意连贯,句式规范,



根据所给图示,以"wang lei's busy day"为题,写一篇不少于50字的短文,内容必须符合图意,语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整。(正文第一句已给出)


wang lei's busy day

it was march 8th yesterday.





it was march 8th yesterday. it was women's day. wang lei wanted to do something for his mother. he went shopping and bought much food. then he cleaned the room. he did his best to do some cooking. when his mother came back after work, she was very happy. wang lei was very tired, but he felt pleased. (58个词)


先"看准题意":题目是wang lei's busy day。写作要围绕王雷一天中所忙碌的事情的顺序展开。描述昨天的事应该用过去时。从题意理解中即可"规范格式":本文用记叙文格式去写。再"按点组句":

(1)3月8日为妇女节。→it was women's day.

(2)王雷去商店购物。→wang lei went shopping and bought much food.

(3)王雷打扫卫生。→he cleaned the room.

(4)他烧饭。*回家很高兴。→he did the cooking. when his mother came back, she was very happy.

完成组句后,"连句成段",可加上句子间的衔接句子。如在(1)与(2)之间可加上wang lei wanted to do something for his mother.

在*后可再谈王雷一天的感受:he was very tired, but he felt happy.把这些句子连成段后,*后"通篇润色"。

