鼯鼠“五会” 鼯鼠五种本领

2023-07-29 14:49:03 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言in the field, there was a small animal called "wu shu"(the flying squirrel1) it would say to *ryone it met: "

in the field, there was a small animal called "wu shu"(the flying squirrel1).

it would say to *ryone it met: "i have five skills: flying, walking, swimming, clim*ng trees, and digging holes in the ground."

thereupon, its pals2 would laugh at it, saying: "though you have learned these skills, you have *ed none of them. you can fly, but not high; you can swim, but not far; you can climb trees, but not to the treetop; you can dig holes in the ground, but not deep enough."

when the flying squirrel heard what its pals said, it ran away in anger.

indeed, the flying squirrel had learned five skills, but when put to use, they were useless. how could they be called real skills.






