野天鹅 野天鹅故事完整版

2023-07-29 17:10:14 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言long ago and far away there lived a king he was very proud of his el*n sons and one daughter all of his

long ago and far away there lived a king. he was very proud of his el*n sons and one daughter. all of his children were good, kind and wise, *n young eliza who was still only a baby.

the queen had sadly died and after a while, feeling that his children needed a mother, the king married again.

his new queen was very jealous of the el*n princes and eliza, and life for them soon changed. eliza was sent to the country to be brought up on a farm.

the queen turned the king from his sons, by telling lies to him about them. soon the king cared nothing for his sons. the queen was delighted.

"go, you *g ugly *rds," she cried to them one day, casting a spell on them. but the worst she could do was to turn them into swans with golden crowns on their heads. away they flew.

they flew over the cottage where eliza lived, but no-one saw them.

eliza lived happily at the farm, but she missed her brothers. when she was fif*, she returned to the palace.

the queen was furious(狂怒的) at how pretty eliza had become, and would dearly have liked to turn her into a swan like her brothers.

instead she bathed eliza and put three toads1(蟾蜍) in to change her looks. the toads were instantly turned to poppies(*) by eliza's innocence2 and goodness.

the queen then used walnut3(胡桃) juice to darken eliza's skin, and matted her hair with fat.

"this will make the king reject you," said the queen, and the king did turn from eliza. he did not know that this messy girl brought before him was his daughter.

eliza was very upset and decided4 to run away to look for her brothers. she went over the fields and through the forests. she came at last to a stream and saw her own reflection.

"no wonder my father did not know me," she said, and she jumped in to wash herself. moments later the real eliza emerged, with clean golden hair and fair skin.

for many days she walked, looking for her brothers. one day she met an old woman. she had a basket of fruit and shared some with eliza.

"have you seen el*n princes riding through the forest?" asked eliza.

"i haven't, my dear," said the old woman. " but yesterday i did see el*n swans riding down the stream. each had a golden crown on his head." she showed eliza the river.

eliza followed the river to the shore, and stood watching the waves. as the sun set, the swans turned into el*n princes with golden crowns on their heads.

"my brothers!" cried eliza, and she ran to greet them. they were delighted to see their younger sister, now grown into a lovely girl. they soon realised that it was because of the wicked(*的) queen that they were rejected.

"we are swans during the day," said the eldest5. "but when the sun goes down, we regain6 our human form. we therefore have to be over land when the sun sets or we will be doomed7."

"we will take you with us when we leave tomorrow," said the youngest. "tonight we must weave a net to carry you."

all night the brothers and sister wove a net. in the morning as eliza slept, el*n swans flew up into the air, carrying the net. the youngest shaded eliza's face from the sun with his wing.

on the other side of the sea was a beautiful land. the brothers flew hard to reach it in daylight.

"here is your new home," they said as they landed.

eliza had a dream that night. a fairy came to her and said, "there is a way to save your brothers, but it means hardship and pain for you. there are stinging(激烈的,刺人的) nettles9 around the cave. gather them, although they will sting, and trample10 them with your feet. with the flax, weave and make up el*n mail shirts for your brothers. but you must n*r speak, from the moment you start until you finish, *n if it takes years, or your brothers will die."

eliza awoke with a nettle8(荨麻) stinging her hand.

her brothers had already left as it was broad daylight, so eliza began her work. when they returned and saw her poor blistered11(起泡的) hands, and she would not say a word, they realised that she was working for them. two * days and the first shirt was finished. a day later, she was at her work, when the royal huntsmen came to the forest. she ran to her cave in fright, but the dogs followed her. the king was amongst the huntsmen and fell in love with eliza when he saw her.

"i'll take you to the palace, where you may make your home," he told eliza.

eliza was beautifully dressed, and the king chose to make her his queen, but she would not smile or say a word.

"my present to you," he said, taking her to a small chamber12, "is a room like your cave, with all your familiar things around you."

there eliza saw the prepared nettles and the completed shirt and she was happy.

night after night the young queen crept away from the king to continue her work.

soon s*n shirts were completed, but she had no * flax(亚麻) . eliza knew that the nearest nettles grew in the graveyard13.

at the dead of night(深夜) , while all were asleep, she crept out to the graveyard. on a gravestone sat s*n witches, counting the dead. eliza walked straight past, with a shudder14.

the arch*shop was the only one to have seen eliza leave, and he had followed her. he did not trust her, and thought she had bewitched the king.

"the queen is a witch," the arch*shop told the king. "i have proof."

the king did not want to beli* it, but he watched when eliza went out at night. night after night, she continued her weaving in the small room. then one night, with one shirt to go, eliza ran out of flax and nettles. she would have to visit the graveyard again. this time the king followed. he saw the witches on the gravestone and beli*d eliza to be one of them.

"the people must judge her," said the king sadly. and the people judged that she was a witch and should be burned at the stake.

eliza was thrown into prison. her pillows and sheets were the nettle shirts. she could not have wished for better blankets, and she continued her work.

el*n princes arrived that night at the palace gate, demanding to see the king.

"it's too late to disturb the king," said the guards. el*n swans flew off as dawn broke.

eliza was carried to the stake in a cart, still sewing and weaving the el*nth shirt. the others lay at her feet.

"look at the witch!" cried the mob. "she still sews! she's casting spells. take it from her!"

the people were about to tear the shirts from her when el*n swans appeared, golden crowns on their heads, flapping their wings and forcing the people back.

the executioner went to tie eliza to the sake, but eliza quickly threw the shirts over her brothers, and they became princes again. sadly the youngest still had a wing instead of an arm, as eliza had not quite finished the shirt.

"now i may speak!" cried eliza, turning to the king.

the whole story was told to the king, who was very happy. he did not want to loose eliza.

as the eldest prince spoke15, the wood at the stake blossomed and a huge rose bush sprang up.

the king gave a rose to eliza, and there was a happy wedding procession back to the palace, where the king and eliza lived happily.

