Darkness darkness survival

2023-07-29 17:10:20 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言its cold and damp in this kingdom of darkness it covers us like a disease on our skin they hold us hostage

it's cold and damp in this kingdom of darkness. it covers us like a disease on our skin. they hold us hostage, the ones who call themselves the royals.

little alana stared(凝视,注视) across the swampy1(沼泽的,湿地的) desolate2(荒凉的,无人烟的) waters of the river. back and forth3(反复地,来回地) on her rusty4(生锈的,腐蚀的) old swingset, on the shattered polluted earth she stared and stared at the little boy looking out of the window of the hoffmen castle. the handsome young boy with his dark eyes and dark hair hypnotized(使着迷,使恍惚) alana. she loved him then as she always will. "how could i love my own enemy?" the one question that she will ask for*r. it will end up being the one that would n*r be answered.

this young prince, who captured her heart has now become the king of dark haven5. king mathias hoffmen. the evil king, the one who she will for*r love and hate, the one who had all the power to make her world colorful and bright again. one day the flowers grew back and the waters were clean and the only reason for this was that she showed this evil king how to love his kingdom once again.

