小学四年级 小学四年级数学题500道

2023-08-16 12:45:27 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、 把英语单词的汉语意思的序号写( )( ) painting 1 课桌( )desk 2 电脑游戏( ) sports 3 音乐( ) co


一、 把英语单词的汉语意思的序号写( )

( ) painting 1. 课桌

( )desk 2. 电脑游戏

( ) sports 3. 音乐

( ) com*r * 4. 绘画

( ) music 5. 体育运动

( )floor 1 讲台

( )classroom 2 计算机

( )com*r 3 科学

( )teacher’s desk 4 地板

( )science 5 教室

( )door 1 灯

( )light 2 图画

( )board 3 门

( )picture 4 窗户

( )window 5 写字板

( ) quiet 1. 强壮的

( ) long hair 2. 长头发

( ) strong 3. 瘦的

( ) thin 4. 文静的

( ) short hair 5. 短头发

二 、给句子找相应的答语:


( )what colour is it?

( )where are you from?

( )may i have a look?

( )how many books do you have?

( )where’s my seat?


a. i have 8.

b. it’s near the door.

c. i’m from america.

d. sure. here you are.

e. it’s black and red.


( )how many pens can you see?

( )what’s in the bag?

( )nice to meet you.

( )what’s her name?

( )who’s that man ?


f. he’s john.

g. nice to meet you, too.

h. her name is amy.

i. a book, ten pencils…

j. i can see 9.


( ) w e d e sk ( )com*r music

( ) picture pencil ( ) thin window

( ) * fan


( )she music.

a. like b. likes c. is

( )where my seat?

a. is b. am c. are

( )he short black hair.

a. have b. like c. has

( )how many do you have ?

a. books b. book c. bookes

( )what colour it?

a. is b. are c.am


1、 你的书在哪儿?

where’s ?

2、 这是钢笔还是铅笔?

is this a or a ?

3、 麦克是男孩还是女孩?

is mike a or a ?

4、 把你的尺子放在书包上。

put your on the .

5、 他不是学生,是一名老师。

he is not a .he’s a .

