苏教版小学四年级英语上册期中试题 苏教版小学四年级英

2023-08-17 00:46:11 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言这篇关于苏教版小学四年级英语上册期中试题,是1 clssrm(教室)2 c (小汽车)3 shopig(去购物)4 wit ess(女



1. cl__ssr___m(教室)2 . c_ _(小汽车)3. shop_i_g(去购物)

4 . w__it __ess(女服务员 )5 . ca__h__er(收银员)

五.读一读 , 连一连 。 (10分)

1. what do you want to do ?cold and snowy .

2. how is the weather ?to the office .

3. where are you going ?fine, thank you .

4. what are you doing ?i want to buy a dress .

5. how are you?i am driving a car .


1 . —thank you ?


a. yes .b. you are welcome .c. no.

2 .where are you going ?.

a. thank you .b.i can show you .c. to the office .

3.red is____.

a.stopb.waitc. go

4. the bus is far ____ the tree .

a. ofb. fromc. where are you from ?

5. where are you _____ ?

a. gob. goingc. goes

6.____.yes ! i want to buy a dress , please .

a. i am sorry.b.may i * you?c. thank you .

7. 给别人指路时 . 你可以说:

a.ok, i’m sorry .b. this way , please .

8. ----where are the toys?


a. here they are .b. i want to buy a book .

9. ----- pleases peaks lowly.


a. sureb. noc.why

10. ------excuse me ,can you * me ?


a. ye*. goodc.nice to meet you .

七 , 你能圈出正确的单词吗 ?(10分)

1. where is the ( jym , gym )

2 . the school is(near, far ) from here .

3. let’s go ( shopping , shop ) .

4. a( waiter , clerk ) works in a store .

5. may i( show , * ) you .


1. this , an , office ,building , is


2.classroom , is , where , the


3.you , i , show , can


4.sunny ,and ,it ,is ,hot


5.park , to , fly , let‘s, the , go , to , kits


九. 选出不是同一类的单词(10分)

() 1.a:fiftyb: sixtyc: treed : forty –one

()2. a:clerkb: doctorc: waiter d : egg

()3. a:gymb:farc: classroom d : library

()a:seatb:chairc: belld : car

() 5. a:bu*:carc:cabd : shop

十. 选择适当的单词填空: (10分)

me, are , turn, to , a

1 .______ you like this dress ?

2 . go down this street and______ left .

3 . excuse______ ,where is the park ?

4 . where______ the dresses ?

5 . i want to buy______ new pen .

