小学四年级英语上册期中模拟试卷 小学四年级英语书下册

2023-08-17 02:15:25 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言以下是一. 听录音,选择字母。(5分)1 a bd b ed 2 a gj b ej3 a uw b qw 4 a iy b xy5 a sx b fx二. 听音选项



一. 听录音,选择字母。(5分)

1 a.bd b.ed 2 a.gj b.ej

3 a.uw b.qw 4 a.iy b.xy

5 a.sx b.fx

二. 听音选项。(10分)

1 a.warm b.hot c.cold

2 a.cloudy b.pretty c.rainy

3 a.cheap b.tree c.jeep

4 a.shoes b.shirt c.socks

5 a.sneakers b.slippers c.sandals

6 a.how about b.how many c.how much

7 a.lunch b.lamp c.library

8 a.coat b.cool c.close

9 a.five b.nine c.four

10 a.red b.green c.white

三. 听音,把句子补充完整。(10分)

1. it‘s today. 2.i want an .

3.this shirt is ok , but it’s too .

4.these are my . 5.my skirt is .

四. 听句子,编号。(5分)


五. 听问句,选答句。(5分)

1. a.it‘s 5:30 b.i’m 5. c.yes,it is .

2. a.i like this ruler. b.it‘s blue. c.yes,she is.

3. a.i’m from uk. b.it‘s rainy in beijing. c.it’s time to go.

4. a.i‘m sorry. b.yes, i like it. c.it’s ninety-nine yuan.

5. a.yes,i want a shirt. b.no,it‘s not. c.i can see one.

六. 听对话,判断正误。(5分)

1.she can wear her t-shirt.

2.it’s time for music class.

3.she is eight.

4.these boots are sixty-five yuan.

5.she likes green and red.

七. 听录音,在表格中打勾。(10分)







一. 把下列字母按照正确的顺序排列。(5分)

1. dcb_______ 2.wvu_______ 3.igh_______

2. 4.nml_______ 5.srq______

二. 下面每组单词划线部分发音是否相符,相符打“√”,不相符打“×”(5)

1.cake face 2.*ke pig 3.we she

4.nose box 5.bus cup

三. 选择填空。(10分)

1.it‘s 10 o’clock.it‘s time ____ go to school.

a.to b.for c.of

2.today is hot,i can wear my ____.

a.jacket b.t-shirt c.coat

3.look at the clock,what ____ is it?

a.class b.time c.can

4.it’s 9:45.it‘s time ____ music class.

a.to b.for c.of

5.it’s cold ____ beijing.

a.on b.in c.is

6.can i wear my t-shirt?_____

a. no,you can‘t. b.yes,you can’t. c.no,you can.


a. how much is it? b.how many are they? c.how old are you?


a. how much are they? b.what time is it? c.can i * you?


a. is it cool today? b.is it red? c.is this my ruler?


a.it‘s too cheap. b.it’s too small c.it‘s too expensive

四. 英汉互译。(10分)

1.english class_____________ 2.长裤______________

3.watermelon _____________ 4.大的______________

5.playground _____________ 6.香蕉______________

7.colourful _____________ 8.足球______________

9.washroom _____________ 10.裙子_____________

五. 把下列单词分类,填序号既可。(10分)

①jacket ②nine ③pear ④math ⑤shirt ⑥orange ⑦three ⑧p.e. ⑨sunny ⑩cloudy

fruit(水果):_________ numbers(数字):_________

clothes(衣服):________ weather(天气):_________


六. 连词成句。(10分)

1.your t-shirt is that ( ? )

2. warm it is today (. )

3. it colour is what (? )

4.two it o’clock is ( . )

er my is this ( . )

