小学英语四年级上册期末试题 北京版小学英语四年级下册

2023-08-19 09:00:33 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、 选择你所听到的单词。(听两遍)(10分)(答案) 1 a many b any c animal(答案) 2 a dogs b dolls c b


一、 选择你所听到的单词。(听两遍)(10分)

(答案) 1. a. many b. any c. animal(答案) 2. a. dogs b. dolls c. balls(答案) 3. a. let's b. it's c. these(答案) 4. a. thirty b. thirsty c. thir*(答案) 5. a. sticker b. sure c. tiger(答案) 6. a. mike b. milk c. like(答案) 7.a.cat b. cap c. cake(答案) 8.a.my b. your c. our(答案) 9.a.mother b. monkey c. make(答案) 10.a.eyes b. rice c. nose二、听录音,根据所听到的内容,选择相应的回答。(听两遍)(10分)

(答案) 1. a. four, please. b. four yuan. c. i have four.(答案) 2. a. it’s in the fridge. b. yes, here they are. c. they’re on the desk.(答案) 3. a. yes, she can. b. no, he can’t. c. she can run fast.(答案) 4. a. i’d like a sandwich. b. yes. i’d like a hot dog. c. i like hamburgers.(答案) 5. a.they’re ten yuan. b. four yuan. c. a. i have four.三、听录音,完成句子。(听三遍)(10分)

1. a: look at my toy 答案.

b: 答案nice. how cars do _ have?

a: 答案 .

2.a: 答案 are the答案?

b: they’re 45 yuan.

3. look, his 答案are答案 and his mouth is *g.


一、 英汉互译。(10分)

1. 这只熊猫答案 2.一些马答案 3. 在卧室里in 答案 4. 一杯咖啡答案 5.小眼睛答案 6. 二十个钟答案 7. make a fruit salad 答案 8. i can’ skate either.答案 9.anything else?答案 10. two fat boys答案二、从下列四个选项中,选择一个不同于其它三项的。(5分)

(答案) 1. a. elephant b. *rd c. orange d. rab*t(答案) 2.a.sofa b. home c.fridge d. table(答案) 3. a. orange b. apple c. cat d. grape(答案) 4.a.thir* b. four* c. wonderful d. nine*(答案) 5.a.nose b. hair c. ear d. fish三、 选择合适的单词填空(10分)

1. su hai can 答案(skate/ skating )

2. do you have 答案(some /any )stickers?

3. these socks 答案(is/ are) nice.

4. do you like ? 答案(grapes / grape)

5. how many 答案(pens/ pen) do you have?

6. what 答案(do/would)you like? ---some apples, please.

7. her hair 答案(is/are) long.

8. how much 答案(is/are) the fans?

9.where 答案(is/are) my skirts?

10. look at 答案( this/these) dogs.

四、 单项选择(15分)

(答案) 1. ----where________my egg? ----it’s ________the table.

a .is, up b. are, on c. is, on(答案) 2. ----what ________ you like? ----i’d like some rice.

a .are b. do c. would(答案) 3. ________ is the cake?

a. how much b. how many c. what about(答案) 4. ----how many________do you have? ----fifty.

a.mangos b.mangoes c.a mango(答案) 5. don’t________ sad , bobby .

a. be b. have c. is(答案) 6. ----can ________ * you? ----_______like some tea.

a i, i’d b my, i’d c i , i(答案) 7. ----i have ________ oranges. do you have ________ oranges?

----yes, i do.

a. some, some b. some, any c. any, some(答案) 8. ----can ________play basketball?

----yes,________ can.

a nancy, he b. you , i c. mike, his(答案) 9. look at________ oranges.

a.these b. that c. this(答案) 10. he can play basketball ________.

a.good b. too c. either(答案) 11. that’s ________brother , mike .

a.i b. me c. my(答案) 12. ----can you play _______? ----yes,i can.

a. a football b. football c. the football(答案) 13. i have________ orange and________ red apple.

a. an, a b. a, an c. a, a(答案) 14. ---- ________the sticker ? ----it’s under the book .

a. where’re b. what’s c. where’s(答案) 15. look at my brother. ________hair is long.

a. her b. his c. this五、从ⅱ栏中找出与ⅰ栏相对应的句子,将其序号填在题前括号里(8分)

ⅰⅱ(答案) 1.would you like a hamburger?a. under the desk.(答案) 2.where’s the cat?b.two.(答案) 3. i can’t swim well, dad.c. yes , please.(答案) 4.can he skate ?d. no,i don’t. i like apples.(答案) 5.do you like cakes?e. don’t be sad. i can’t either.(答案) 6.do you have any grapes?f. yes , i do.(答案) 7.how many apples do you have?g. twenty yuan.(答案) 8.how much are the sandwiches?h. yes , he can . 六、 根据中文意思完成句子或对话(12分)1.杨玲会打篮球吗?

答案 yang ling 答案

2.“你喜欢这些老虎吗?” “是的,我喜欢。”

a: do you答案 these答案?

b: yes, i 答案 .

3.“你有多少根香蕉?” “我有15根。”

a: 答案 do you have?

b: i have 答案.

4.“我的书在哪里?” “在客厅。”

a: 答案are my books?

b: 答案in the living room.

七、 阅读短文,判断正误。正确的用“t”表示,错误的用“f”表示。(10分)

a: hello, liu tao.

b: hi, wang *ng. may i use (用)your ruler?

a: sure. oh, where’s my ruler?

b: is it in your pencil box?

a: no, it isn’t.

b: here’s a ruler. it is yours?

a: no. it’s yellow. it’s gao shan’s. my ruler is green.

b: i see a ruler under your desk. is it yours?

a: yes, it is. here you are.

b: thank you.

(答案) 1. wang *ng can’t find his rubber.

(答案) 2. wang *ng’s ruler is under his desk.

(答案) 3. gao shan’s ruler is green.

(答案) 4. the yellow ruler is liu tao’s.

(答案) 5. wang *ng finds his ruler at last(*后)。

