小学英语四年级下册期末考试试卷 小学英语四年级思维导图

2023-08-19 16:06:58 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言listening part(听力部分)40分1 listen and number (听音,标号)10分2 listen and tick or cross (听音,判断,用“√”或


listening part(听力部分)40分

1. listen and number.(听音,标号)10分

2. listen and tick or cross.(听音,判断,用“√”或“×”表示)10分

1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( )

3. listen and choose.(听音,选择)10分

( ) (1) ---what will you do tomorrow? --- i’ll_________.

a. talk to my friends b. walk in the park

( ) (2) ---what’s the weather like today? ---it’s _________ today.

a. cloudy b. windy

( ) (3) ---what are these? ---they are __________.

a. monkeys b. hens

( ) (4) ---did mr smart phone grandma yesterday? ---____________.

a. yes, he did b. no, he didn’t.

( ) (5) i was ____________ then. but i’m thin now.

a. cute b. fat

4. listen and answer,(听音,回答) 10分

( )1. a. my favourite toy is jigsaw. b. it’s a toy.

( ) 2. a. yes, she does. b. she doesn’t like milk.

( ) 3. a. no, i’m not. b. yes, i did.

( ) 4. a. she watched tv at home. b. i go to park with my family.

( ) 5. a. happy christmas! b. happy new year!

writing part(笔试部分)60分

1. look and write.((1)- (5)看图,写单词、(6)翻译词组)20分

(1) (2)




(6) 1a *t 2listen to music 3lots of

4have got 5play the guitar

2. read and circle.(读一读,圈出不属于同一类的一项)10分

(1) a. older b. bad c. better

(2) a. english b. cool c. chinese

(3) a. short b. voice c. long

(4) a. played b. danced c. happened

(5) a. cat b. hot c. warm

(6) a. rainy b. monday c. snowy

(7) a. day b. milk c. coffee

(8) a. thirsty b. hungry c. hair

(9) a. who b. where c. then

(10) a. phone b. dance c. watermelon

3. read and choose.(读一读,选择正确的一项)15分

( ) (1) -do you have lunch at school? - ________________

a. yes, it is. b. yes, i do. c. no, i didn’t.

( ) (2) –where is sanya? - it’s in the ______________.

a. south b. north c. west

( ) (3) –who is this boy? - ___________________

a. he is my bother. b. he is in the school. c. he’s doing his homework.

( ) (4) –have you got a ruler? - yes, ______________

a. you can b. i have c. i did

( ) (5) –how old are you? - __________________

a. i’m ten years old. b. i’m fine, thank you. c. i’m ok.

( ) (6) –did you play the drums yesterday? - no, ____________

a. i have b. i was c. i did

( )(7)___________ is the capital of china. a. shanghai b beijing c new york

( )(8) yesterday the boy________ watch tv.

a. doesn’t b. didn’t c. don’t

( ) (9) they are __________.

a. play football b. playing basketball c. playing football

( )(10) i’m ________now. i want some apples.

a. hungry b. thirsty c. happy

( )(11) will ms smart have lunch at home? yes,__________.

a. i will b. he did c. she will

( )(12) daming ______got a headache yesterday, and today he ______ got f*r.

a. has, had b .had, have c had, has

( )(13) .i _____ two then, now i_____ ten.

a. was, am b. am, am c. am, was

( )(14) i’m taller________sam. a. or b. than c. and

( )(15)yesterday grandma _________ fish for me. a. cooks b. cooked c. buy

4. read and find.(读句子,找答语) 5分

1) ( )will you take your kite tomorrow?

2) ( )do you like pop music?

3) ( )is sam stronger than lingling?

4) ( )was it a nice day?

5) ( )did mum cook lunch?

a. yes, she did.

b. no, i won’t.

c. yes, he is

d. no, i don’t.

e. yes, it was.

5. read and judge.(读短文,判断正误,用“t”或“f”表示)10分

last sunday was a nice day. it was cool. in the morning we went to a park. it was beautiful. dad and mum walked in the park. and they talked to some friends. sam and i played football and danced in the park. and then we were hungry and thirsty. so dad bought some hamburgers, chicken legs and milk. we were very happy.

1) ( )it rained last sunday.

2) ( )dad and mum walked in the park.

3) ( )sam and i played table tennis in the park.

4) ( )mum bought some fish and milk.

5) ( )in the afternoon, sam and i danced in the park.

