译林版四年级上册英语期末试卷 译林版四年级上册英语期

2023-08-19 19:30:25 666阅读 投稿:网友
前言一、英汉互译1 喜欢苹果 like 2 跳得高 high3 *足球 4 开门 open the 5



1. 喜欢苹果 like ___________

2. 跳得高 ________ high

3. *足球 ______ ______

4. 开门 open the _______

5. 十八个球 _______ ______

6. 看那匹马 _____at that ________

7. 做水果沙拉 _____ a fruit _____

8. 在课桌后 _____ the _____

9. 一条绿色的短裙 a ____ ____

10. 在卧室里 in the ____________

11. pigs on the farm __________

12. so funny and lovely ________

13. i can’t fly either. _______

14. your cap is in the kitchen. ____


1. --- ________ you like robots? --- no, we ________.

a. can; can’t b. do; do c. do; don’t

2. i like dogs. ________ cute.

a. they’re b. it’s c. they

3. ---i have ______ oranges. do you have _____ oranges?---yes, i do.

a. some; some b. any; some c. some; any

4. ---is my clock_________ the living room? ---yes, _________.

a. in; it is b. in; they are c. on; they are

5. ---can i ______? ---ok!

a. have look b. have a try c. have a like

6. ---how many _______ do you have? ---i have one.

a. toy trains b. toys trains c. toy train

7. i’d like_______ noodles. _______ five yuan.

a. a; it’s b. some; they’re c. any; they’re

8. this toy is ________ your brother.

a. with b. to c. for

9. ---______ my pencils? ---on the table.

a. where are b. where is c. what

10. --- don’t talk. --- ___________.

a. thanks. b. ok. i’m sorry. c. that’s ok.


a: ___________ (look, look at) these stickers.

b: oh, animal stickers. how lovely!

a: thank you. i like this ________(cow, cows)sticker. do you like cows?

b: no, i ________(doesn’t, don’t).

a: ________ (what, what colour ) do you like?

b: i like ________ (panda, pandas). they’re cute and fat.

a: look! i have ________ (much, many) panda stickers.

would you ________ (like, have) some?

b: yes, please.

a: _____________ (how much, how many)do you want(要)?

b: two, please.


1. make, let, a, us, kite( . )

2. like, we, living room, the, in, tv, the ( . )

3. toy, cute, tigers, those, are (.)

4. is, where, jacket, your ( ? )

5. fif*, have, they, beautiful, pears ( . )

6. orange, what, an, about (?)


a: hello, liu tao.

b: hi, wang *ng. may i use (用)your ruler?

a: sure. oh, where’s my ruler?

b: is it in your pencil box?

a: no, it isn’t.

b: here’s a ruler. it is yours?

a: no. it’s yellow. it’s gao shan’s. my ruler is green.

b: i see a ruler under your desk. is it yours?

a: yes, it is. here you are.

b: thank you.

1. wang *ng can’t find his ruler.

2. wang *ng’s ruler is in his pencil box.

3. gao shan’s ruler is yellow.

4. the green ruler is liu tao’s.

5. wang *ng finds his ruler at last(*后).

